Question New "office" rig


Jun 1, 2018
Hi everyone once again.
I want to re-use an old pc case, I didn't even mind seeing what are the parts inside, because the last time I used it, almost 7 years ago, that already at the time, he was super slow, so, at the very max, I'm gonna re-use the hard drive and maybe the PSU if it has enough power, but i doubt it. For this I want to start on the fact that I have a CPU from my old gaming pc, from which I broke the motherboard and went for a new brand CPU and re-used the GPU. Unfortunately, I dont remember exactly what's the name of the CPU, i remember it was a intel i5 I think around 4xxx, but Im not sure (ill send a new comment once i have checked it. I also remember that I had new ram on my new gaming pc, so I must have the old one stored to, but unfortunately, I remember it's DDR3 ram, and since I intend on upgrading the pc in the future, having to buy a DDR3 motherboard will shut me off. What I want from this is to have a pc that is gonna be used most of the time for work, but it can also be used for some gaming and such if I have the time, since this processor was from my old, but not that old gaming pc, I know it has enough power for work, and even tho intel hd graphics aren't that good, it will most likely handle what i play, since i dont play heavy games (for the most common examples, I play league of legends and minecraft). Since I have now entered university, and started know my engineering degree, I know that, sooner or later (since it's computing engineering), Im gonna know by myself which parts are best for my needs, so, I intend, when I do know, to do a better upgrade for this pc, for now, all I want to do is to re-use the most parts I can, and save as much money as I can, so I can put this pc functional, so, I want to know what's the best bang for your buck motherboard that supports this CPU, but let's me upgrade in the future, if the PSU from the old pc doesn't work, what's the cheapest I can get, I don't intend on overclocking, so the PSU doesn't need to have that much power, what's the cheapest ram I can get, I know for gaming standards, 16 gb is the minimum, but as I said, is mostly for work, so 8 gb is enough for me, and, in case, for some reason, the HDD on the old pc is broken or is too slow/bad, which is the cheapest SSD I can put here, again, if I need space, I have my pen drive and external discs, so the SSD doesn't need to have that much space.
Another topic, that doesn't really fit here, but I would also like to ask, I would want to install linux on this pc, not only because I always have used windows and want some change, because linux is proven to be faster than linux, and also because I want to try it out. From my research, I have seen that for general use, Ubuntu and Linux Mint are the best ones out there, but Linux Mint is more simple and easier for begginers, what do you all think, do you think I should stick with windows, or should I give it a shot?
Once I have the remaining details, I'll put a new comment with them.
To end, I want to thank you all for the amazing help you have given me, I was never disappointed.
Unfortunately, I neither know the model or specs, the problem is that this pc was my dad who bought it, and he said, from what the ones at the shop he bought at the time said, if the pc stays without being connected to the power for too long, it will not bot up, since the pc has been for really a long time in my basement, and if that statement is true, I doubt it will boot up. I will give it a try, but right now, Im not home, so I cant test it.
I actually didn't had anything planned, just put the goal that it had to be the cheapest possible, let put the budget at 150€, even if it sounds really low, I want to see how cheap and good I can go, as I said, I intend to upgrade in the future, so I don't mind having something cheap now.
Sorry if the budget I gave was too low, but I have been searching, unfurtunely Im still not home, but Im sure that my i5 is an i5 4xxx, probably, for what I cant remember, an i5 4460, but even in the 4xxx range, all these processors are lga 1150, all the motherboards that are lga 1150 have DDR3 ram slots, and, as far as I have searched, that would mean I would be buying an "obsolete" board, with almost no upgradability, which isn't what I want. I can't guarante if this is true, but if it is, I'll have to cancel my idea, because buying almost a full pc isn't something I can do right now. Can someone confirm if what I'm saying is true or not? Did I miss something?