im in situation when my PC build is getting laggy in new games like Metro, AC:Odyssey, PUBG, BF1/5 and so on. current setup is i5 3570k 4,2GHz, GTX 770 4GB, 16GB DD3 - im wondering if it would be enough to upgrade only GPU (looking on 2 cards - GTX 1660Ti 6GB or RX 580 8GB) or it wouldnt be enough and i should look for full new build?
If new build im thinking about 2 options:
AMD platform - Ryzen 2600x, 2x8GB DDR4 3200Mhz, RX 580/GTX 1660Ti, some motherboard - maybe some B450 model, not sure about this
Intel platform - i5-7600, 2x8GB DDR4 3200Mhz, RX 580/GTX 1660Ti, MSI Z390 motherboard.
Im playing on 1080p 60hz monitor, not planning to buy 4k anytime soon. Any tips, ideas options what would be the best decision? if new build i have max budget around 820 EUR.
If new build im thinking about 2 options:
AMD platform - Ryzen 2600x, 2x8GB DDR4 3200Mhz, RX 580/GTX 1660Ti, some motherboard - maybe some B450 model, not sure about this
Intel platform - i5-7600, 2x8GB DDR4 3200Mhz, RX 580/GTX 1660Ti, MSI Z390 motherboard.
Im playing on 1080p 60hz monitor, not planning to buy 4k anytime soon. Any tips, ideas options what would be the best decision? if new build i have max budget around 820 EUR.