Approximate Purchase Date: Over a period of a couple months, completed before Dec 20th.
Budget Range: $1000ish +/- a bit.
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, SWTOR specifically and games like Witcher 2, Diablo 3 and probably BF3. (mainly want to be able to run SWTOR at MAX).
Parts Not Required: Keyboard, Mouse, Speakers (ill use headset for now)
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Probably Newegg (unsure really, I'm new at this) - there is no Microcenter near me.
Country of Origin: USA
Parts Preferences: Intel
Overclocking: Maybe - I'd like to, don't know how to.
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe - in the future. I'd like to start with a card then SLI it later on for a little more power. But again, not really sure how this is accomplished.
Monitor Resolution: Need a monitor
Additional Comments: Based on the research I've done on this board and others, it looks like the i5 is the way to go. This is the first time I have adventured into the land of building my own PC. Any and all direction is welcome. I don't particularly want a SSD. They are expensive and from what I have read, it doesn't really affect gaming to the point where it is really required. I would like to keep the majority of the budget on purely gaming beastliness.
Thanks a ton.
Budget Range: $1000ish +/- a bit.
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, SWTOR specifically and games like Witcher 2, Diablo 3 and probably BF3. (mainly want to be able to run SWTOR at MAX).
Parts Not Required: Keyboard, Mouse, Speakers (ill use headset for now)
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Probably Newegg (unsure really, I'm new at this) - there is no Microcenter near me.
Country of Origin: USA
Parts Preferences: Intel
Overclocking: Maybe - I'd like to, don't know how to.
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe - in the future. I'd like to start with a card then SLI it later on for a little more power. But again, not really sure how this is accomplished.
Monitor Resolution: Need a monitor
Additional Comments: Based on the research I've done on this board and others, it looks like the i5 is the way to go. This is the first time I have adventured into the land of building my own PC. Any and all direction is welcome. I don't particularly want a SSD. They are expensive and from what I have read, it doesn't really affect gaming to the point where it is really required. I would like to keep the majority of the budget on purely gaming beastliness.
Thanks a ton.