
Sep 24, 2012
hey guys just got the okay from my dad to build my own pc is this build good?
Mobo http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128554
CPU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116504
Case http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811139011
PSU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371059&Tpk=antec%20620m
HDD http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136769
I have a keyboard and mouse as well as a dvd drive although will be adding a 650 ti and a ssd later on right now just tryign to get the componets that will get it going i have a 2.5 120gb hdd and a 3.5 seagate barracuda 250gb hdd from my old pc ill be using also 250 gb will be used for fraps only the 120gb which is from my dead ps3 hhd works fine still is going to be for os till i get the ssd and the 500 gb will be for the rest like games and photos will do some minor OC since im new to this and i heard ivys get hot so just doing some minor stuff :) will buy a new heatsink to do some 4.0ghz later though going with http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835209049 for my 4.0Ghz overclocking hope that'll do the job tell me what you think about all this plz
I would definitely go for a 7850 or 7870, whatever the budget allows.

Sapphire and Gigabyte make good cards. Sapphire is usually the cheapest and has nice coolers.


Sep 24, 2012
motherboard cpu and case already on they're way sorry didn't mention that but other than that do you think this is sufficient enough to run bf3 on high/ultra along with world of warcraft LoL Amnesia and other games in those guidelines ? oh and what do you think about the hdd setup ima do and the antec waterblock


Apr 2, 2012
With a GTX 650 Ti you will not be able to max out BF3 at 1080p. You should always be spending more on the GPU rather than the CPU since most games are bottlenecked by the GPU more than the CPU.

I don't fully understand why you opened this thread if you've already bought pretty much everything..?
Everyone seems to assume that, but after owning a 4350, 4650, 4870, 5570, 5670, 5770, 6670, 6750, 6770, 6850, and a 6950, I have never had any non-self induced problems.

Meaning, the only problem I had was with my 6950, and that was because of something I did, not because of the shoddy drivers that people so think they have.


Sep 24, 2012
alrighty just had to ask because seen alot of post saying they had driver issues probably nvidia fans? im not in either section so which would you go for then a 7850 or 7870 and what company would you suggest for amd cards was looking at evga for nvidia but haven't done research on amds