New Processor, will this heatsink work?


Apr 13, 2012
Just bought an AMD Athlon X4 645 processor

This fan that I listed is the right size, right Watts, and right 4 pin connector for the motherboard. I have an AM3 socket, will this work? I don't see anywhere listed AM3 and I'm not that computer savy just yet.

If this fan will not work, will my stock one work thats in the dell inspiron 570? Reason I ask is because I'm pretty sure that some dell inspiron models come with the Athlon X4 that I just bought. Ran Battlefield 3 at the highest res and high-medium settings and the hottest the CPU got was 58C

If i do need to upgrade will that heatsink be good? If not can anyone tell me one that will?

AM3 socket
for AMD
yeah i got one that my cousin told me to get its pretty good it shows all the temps of everything. the HIGHEST it went was 60C but it was for literally 2 maybe 3 seconds and thats playing battlefield 3 which is a pretty beefy game. I'm just scared cuz everyone on the dell forums are like YOUR CPU IS GONNA GO BAD AND BLOW so I figured I'd come here because the same person who told me that said "that processor isnt compatible" and told me to get the heatsink I bought that was for intel..... lol figured you guys know more
lol i never told them "C4" i specifically said what processor I was getting... No stock cooler came wiht the Processor I'm talking about the stock cooler thats in my dell, that came with my dell ( Dunno what you meant but sounded like you meant stock cooler that came with processor) and yeah I really dont plan to over clock to be honest, not yet anyways I'm gettin enough power outa it
Can someone please help me out? Anybody? I'm new to the PC world and I don't know to much I keep trying to search what I'm looking for but all the specs on the fans don't tell me exactly what it's for...

I need
Will fit in AM3
AMD compatible
4 pin connector

Why do you need 92mm? Other than case height considerations for tall heatsinks (which might actually be a problem with that Dell case), there's no real reason to confine yourself to ONLY 92mm.

Here is one that will work with AM3, but it isn't very good (and truthfully, neither was the one you originally asked about, even if you could have used it).

Something like this is what you should be looking at, but might be on the edge of fitting inside the case.

Case dimensions would help a lot here. I could make a much better recommendation if I knew that.
I need a 92MM because that's what size the fan is to square up with the 4 holes into the motherboard not looking for anything else besides that. The fan that I got was 92x92x25 and the heats ink size was 92x92x38. The specs I posted above are exactly what I'm looking for not willing to try anything else and waste more money. If you
Know of one that are for the specs I posted I'd appreciate if you could post it.

ANY aftermarket heatsink that works with AM3 will "square up" with the holes. Trust me on that. Regardless, AM3 is clip style, right? Why worry about holes? You can use them, but the clips should do just fine. (And both of the ones I posted can use the clips.)

I thought all stock style AMD heatsinks did. Dell may have done something proprietary, though (which would be typical Dell). If it's TRULY proprietary, there's nothing you can do but use what came with it, but I highly doubt that's the case, honestly. If there's not a clip though (or a way to clip it on to the socket), the first one I posted won't work, and possibly not the second.

And yes, the 4 pin connector can be used with a 3 pin connector on the mobo. The 4th pin is just for speed control on mobo's that allow it through PWM.
Wait, you can use a 3 pin connector coming from the heatsink on a 4 pin coming from the motherboard? How? Which side do I leave open than? Meaning which pin do I leave open? Because I got a heatsink that has the 4 pun connector but my mother board has 4..... If I can use the one I already spent money on I'd love to do that
Okay updates- the heatsink that I got does work! It's all hooked up. Only thing is this, the black thing that comes with the heatsink looks like the bottom has four screws. Do I need to put that on? It doesn't fit with the screws

If it's the one you originally linked, it will never fit the screw holes. It was only meant for Intel mobo's (completely different hole dimensions). And yes, they HAVE to be put in. The heatsink CAN'T just "lay" there.
No it's not that one the heatsink fits its in my computer I'm on it about to launch battlefield 3 to see the temps. But you know that thing that you can screw I guess on the bottom of the heatsink? It's black? Do I need that or can I just put the heatsink directly on the CPU