Question New RAM stick

Aug 3, 2023

I’ve recently purchased a new 16GB 2400mhz unbuffered non-ECC stick of Ram to replace my old 8gb 2133mhz stick

I’m using a ROG STRIX B250H motherboard

After replacing stick in same RAM slot PC will turn on but won’t connect to monitors (tried with multiple), I’ve tried the different slots and none of them worked, I tried putting in the old stick of RAM and that doesn’t work and I’ve tried removing the CMOS battery for a minute, putting it back in and putting the RAM sticks back in (tried separately with both)

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Are you only using a single 16GB stick?
Which CPU?

Be aware than mixing RAM that does not come in a RAM kit is not guaranteed to work...even if the RAM modules appear to have similar specs.

When resetting CMOS, make sure to power off the PC, disconnect power cord from PSU and discharge capacitors by pressing the power button a couple of times.
Leave the CMOS battery out for 5 minutes, then install it back.
Place the old 8GB stick on the A2 RAM slot (2nd slot from CPU socket).

Connect power cord and power PC...
After resetting CMOS, it could take a couple of minutes for the system to post, since it could be in the training memory stage.

Yes I’m only using a single 16GB stick
The processor is an i7 7700 and the GPU is a GTX 1050ti

I tried the instructions you listed with the 8GB stick but still got the same problem

All fans are working and looks to be running as normal but just won’t get signal on a monitor

Turns out it was a very simple fix

Not something I’ve found on forums as most people probably not stupid enough for this to be a problem

The original ram slot was malfunctioning and the top clip would not close properly

Just used the next slot along and everything is working fine

Thankyou for the help