
Nov 27, 2011
So right now I have two sticks of this RAM http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820104136 running in a Gigabye GA-P55-UD5 motherboard with an Intel i5-750 processor overclocked to 3.1 GHz.
The RAM is running at stock speeds as far as i know, and I was wondering if I could install two sticks of this RAM http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820104221 to compliment my existing RAM without having to modify any settings for either set of RAM sticks in the BIOS.

Use the new kingston ram and sell the 2 gb stick. I don't recommend running 3 sticks of ram and leaving a slot open. I would order two of the 4 gb kits instead. You should get enough for the 2 gb stick to help pay for it. Or newegg has some 1333 corsair 8 gb kits on sale today.