New to Overclocking....Help PLZ...Q6600


Dec 4, 2008
Hello guys I have never even ready anything on overclocking...

But Ive started to look around and fig I would have you guys step me thru it.

4GB 1000mhz Memory
4870 1GB DDR5 256bit Video Card
GIGABYTE GA-EP45-UD3P Motherboard
750watt PSU

Thanks guys!
1st thing you should do is read the guides to overclocking in the forums on this an other sites................

Then come back with your questions.
AUGH! Not another "How do I OC a Q6600" post.


Judging from the time stamp on your post, you are being ignored - probably people are hoping that you will do some of your own research.

Here are two links from the forums here:

The first one deals with overclocking Intel Core2 CPU's. The second is about OC'ing Gigabyte P35 motherboards. Yes, I realize that you have a P45 motherboard, but the the BIOS's will be very similar.

After you have done some of your own research, if you have questions, ask. We will be glad to help. :)

I have looked at your system components and ... not bad. I would not have sprung for the 1000 MHz RAM, but otherwise, pretty good components. One question, what kind of HSF do you have. If all you have is the stock Intel heatsink, you will be limited to about 3.0 GHz at reasonable core temps.