Nikon D7100 Memory card error

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Feb 3, 2018
I have problem in slot 1 in Nikon D7100. the memory card was working fine, suddenly it is not accepting the memory card. so when i try to format the memory card, i'm getting the following error message "cannot format memory card. card may be defective insert another card". i have tried with different memory card in slot 1, still i'm getting the same error. so when i try to update the firmware using slot 2, the camera unable to recognize the firmware file. so could please help to resolve this issue.
Your camera has two SD card slots.

You tried a SDHC card in slot1 and the camera failed to read it.
What happens when you tried that card in slot2?
What happens when you tried that card in card reader on the PC?

You tried to update the firmware on the camera from slot2.
Was this the same SDHC card you had issues with in slot2?
Did you try to format that card in slot2 first?

The memory card is working fine, i have tested on the slot 2 and also on the PC. Yes i have formatted the memory card using the slot 2. the same memory card working fine on the slot 2. but the problem with slot 1 only.

For the firmware update i have used the same SDHC card and also different SDHC card. both the card has same issue. it's not recognize firmware file.
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