IInuyasha74 :
atljsf :
the idea in general seems good but they are aiming at mobile with this tablet thing, their strong point is mobile with the gameboy/3ds, so what are they trying, destroy what they already have?
about the tegra/pascal, that means weaker performance on the go, weird approach, if they used nvidia, surely will be more expensive, the main reason both microsoft and sony went with amd, great platform at a decent price
How is this going to destroy what they already have? Their current handhelds are several years old now. Granted the "New 3DS" is relatively new, but it is essentially the exact same as the old 3DS. Even if they dominate an area, they have to either eventually create something new or die off as newer competing devices eat into their market share. The Switch is just their next generation device that essentially replaces their existing handheld line and has home gaming aspects too.
In regards to your other post, neither Nvidia or Nintendo said that Nvidia created the API and OS. Those aspects of the console are almost certainly created by Nintendo. Nintendo has created customized APIs and OSes for its consoles at least since the Nintendo Gamecube. Nvidia has had a hand in the development of APIs, but it has never created as OS from scratch. The OS used on its Shield devices is forked from Android. Given this information, why would you assume that Nintendo paid Nvidia to create the API and OS? Nvidia may have had a hand in it, developing drivers and software to support its hardware, but Nintendo almost certainly did the bulk of this work.
their concept of innovation has been very strange lately, trying to do a lot with very little sounds good but is not working as expected so bring a console that is not a console to carry it with you, is placing another device to compete with their current line of mobile devices, i guess that is the same thing intel is doing, compete against their own products in their own segment, since sony hasn't released a succesful device on that market latelly, perhaps is what you say, join both platforms or one replaces the other, perhaps something else comes from this, or perhaps joins the wii u in their quick end
about the os design, cpu, gpu and api, it is what i think, nintendo didn't had the time they wanted to make a new console as they did in the past with previous models and most times they make their own designs or as in the case of previous consoles, ask to amd/ati to do the gpus following their specs, but the api sounds a step beyond that logic, and since the api is new, other parts can be too, with time limitation, that for me means a deeper collaboration, to give it a name to the situation, of course, we might never know about this so in the end it probably doesn't matter, only to those of us who put attention into details, on how nvidia efforts affect a console, similar ot how ps3 went, with a very slow start and with all kind of criticist thanks to the cpu, gpu, ram usage and all other details that affected the console and its solw start and somewhat bad results in general
after watching the video of the console a couple of times, that thing looks weird, and the tablet should have a nice nintendo logo and different colors, perhaps a more matte fininsh on the screen because play outside with a 7 inch tablet trying to finish a great game is the same as those laptops with glossy screens, you see yourself in that mirror and can't do much, if that is a standrd touch screen, might not be possible to make it differnet, but it will require a screen capable of higher bightness than most devices around, meaning less battery life
one of the non nintendo games showed on the video was elder scrols skyrim, looks like the original version released back in 2011 for ps3 and pc, weird to use that game this year to promote a new console, even with the improvements made on the image quality on that old game
perhaps is a attempt ot show that gpu is very strong in this portable console, perhaps is what is the best it can do and will point to the limit of the console in that aspect
i see in general more reasons to be concerned about the future of the console than reasons to be excited for the future release and impact on the market of this console/tablet with lots of probably expensive accesories
anyway, this is the internet, even on a respectable forum as this one, i can say alot and have nothing more than experience with previous platforms and a incredible ammount of criticism about something that we havent used yet