Question No Audio From Rear Jack (Black) But Line Out (Green) Works Fine


Jan 11, 2020
I could've sworn I was able to just plug in my two Mackie CR3 desktop speakers (via one split 3.5mm) to the rear speaker output (black). But maybe it was the green line out all along.

Does anyone know if I should be using the black jack instead of the green jack? Or that if this cursed Realtek crap will even let me use it to begin with?

I also tried plugging in my little bluetooth/3.5mm jack Amazon speaker into the black jack while I had the speaker cable in the green jack to see if it would only output if the green jack was connected.

Here is the Realtek Audio Control setting to make it work: View:

It DOES show a Windows notification if I unplug/plug into the black jack but from the looks of it there isn't anything more I can do to get that specific port to work.

  • Windows 11, Realtek Audio Control drivers
  • Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060
  • 32 GB RAM
  • i7-11700 CPU