Well,that is why NO GAMING company can stay on top forever. Blizzard is BLINDED by MONEY!!. You see it works like this, some few gifted lads come up with an IDEA for a Game. That game becomes so popular that some LARGE gaming Comapany, IE. Blizzard, or EA or whomever buy them out or just buy the rights and higher the people to develop it. Game makes Company Tons of Money. What happens next ?
Well now Company tells the lads they want a NEW version to make more money, but only this time they want the game done there way. The gaming dudes argue that it was not ment to be like that, but the Company does not care. What happens ? The games turns out to be not so hot and the fans hate it.
Blizzard has lost FOCUS now and times have changed.
Let me be the first to say it here, If Blizzard thinks they can take a long long time and come out with D3 when ever they wish and the MASS will just eat it up , they have a HUGE lesson comming.
The Gamers that GREW UP and accepted Diablo are not the gamers of Today and most important !
Gamers today will not WAIT years for a new title .
They will simply move on to one of the NEW games on the market.
Wait and see ....by the time Blizzard gets this it will be just too late and they will alienate there huge fan base to the point that it will be hard to get them into playing it again.
WOW is popular but even that will start to wither away. You can only rehash something so much , after which it begins to be the same old of same old over and over.
Blizzard should have had SC2 out already a while ago. and D3 should have been up next. You can only keep the Audience waiting so long, after a certain point there will be no one there when the curtains go up.