This maybe a random answer or post, but I would just like to thank jsc the moderator, for guiding me to this troubleshooting thread, I had issues on trying to display something on the monitor from my new built pc, and when reading through the forums, I really didn't think I would get any help from here, but through constant reading especially jsc solutions and posts, I managed to be guided by superiority to this page.
My problem was I couldn't get anything to display on the monitor, despite having all fans fixated in the tower operating while the comp turned on. And yes I most definitely knew I put all cables hardware in the right place. Also one other problem I had when turning on my new computer was it turned on for a sec, then off again for a sec, then strangely on again, and stayed on, but still no display, and guys I was so close to taking it to the hardware specialist to get it fixed with the intention that I knew there positioned issues or broken hardware. But with my constant desperation in getting this computer to boot I found the solution.
In the troubleshooting thread that I can most sincerely thanks jsc the moderator who led me to step 3. Guys if you have problems with trying to start up the display on your new computer and has that on, off then stays on again issue, you must, need and have to look at step 3 of the "No POST", "system won't boot", and "no video output" checklist. The standoffs under the motherboard that I so silly missed in the manual, but happily found in this site forums by jsc is soooooooo prominent in the booting and display of the monitor. So I once again thank jsc for his hardworking capabilities on here.