Normal temp


Jun 14, 2011
Hello guys

I wan't to ask you some thing about my intel Quad Q6600
I just has clean my rig and add for the first time CPU cooling paste
my normal temp is about

38°C 39°C 34°C 34°C

and now its the same buts its always jump up and down and it reach the temp of
62 maximum what i saw if i dont game some times and its more then normal

can it be that the paste need to be a longer time in the rig to cool better?

Sorry for bad Englisch

Check to make sure that the HSF (heatsink/fan) is seated right. If you are using the stock cooler an easy way to do this is to reach in and see if you can pull any of the twist clips straight up. If any of them are not seated then you want to make sure to re-seat the cooler.

TIM (Thermal Interface Material) can take a while to cure to get the best results. So while the temperatures you are seeing is a little high they aren't a major issue.