Not able to connect to any servers


Sep 29, 2012
Hey, sorry if this is in the wrong section, didn't know where else to put this.

I've been having this problem for the past few weeks, if not months. For a few days, or maybe around a week lol, I havent been able to connect to any Game-servers, may that be Steam, League of Legends, Guild Wars 2 or any of that. I have opened all ports, firewalls are disabled/uninstalled. I've seriously tried every single thing I've read, but I can't get anything to work. My sister can play without any problems, so I think it has something to do with my PC. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.
Nope, nothing, have had everything for I think 2 years now. My router is a Netgear RP614v4 and I have a Zyxel ES-105A switch on my desk.
I've powercycled everything yesterday and it seems to work again :). I always only just restart router and switch and not everything, propbably should do that more.