Suddenly yesterday I couldn't acces any website anymore, it gives different errors from time to time, for example: "ERR NAME NOT RESOLVED", "DNS PROBE FINISHED BAD CONFIG", "DNS PROBE FINISHED NXDOMAIN".
I've tried flushing the DNS cache, changing the DNS ip to a public one (, alt:
None of these worked. Also if I use my own router, it works fine (I have to use 2 different as one is a shared router in the apartment complex with slow internet, and my own is with limited mobile data but fast)
I've tried flushing the DNS cache, changing the DNS ip to a public one (, alt:
None of these worked. Also if I use my own router, it works fine (I have to use 2 different as one is a shared router in the apartment complex with slow internet, and my own is with limited mobile data but fast)