Recently built a PC but it doesn't boot up. LED light does flash for a few seconds once I turn on the power supply (RM 650W) but the fans do not work and it doesn't boot up at all. Could this be the fault of the power supply or the mobo?
I will do, I'll get back to you see if anything changes.Make sure it's connected correctly, because even on a normally working system there should usually be at least one beep when the system is powered on and begins the POST process. Maybe not in all cases though.
I'd definitely bench test it using the guide I posted earlier.
Also, check ALL of these things, first.
"No POST", "system won't boot", and "no video output" troubleshooting checklist
"No POST", "system won't boot", and "no video output" troubleshooting checklist This checklist is a compilation of troubleshooting ideas from many forum members. It's very important to actually perform every step in the checklist if you want to effectively troubleshoot your problem. 1.Did
Just a quick update, I asked a friend to help me with disassembly, he has been building PCs for a while now but he will be busy until Thursday. Will hopefully figure out the problem then.Make sure it's connected correctly, because even on a normally working system there should usually be at least one beep when the system is powered on and begins the POST process. Maybe not in all cases though.
I'd definitely bench test it using the guide I posted earlier.
Also, check ALL of these things, first.
"No POST", "system won't boot", and "no video output" troubleshooting checklist
"No POST", "system won't boot", and "no video output" troubleshooting checklist This checklist is a compilation of troubleshooting ideas from many forum members. It's very important to actually perform every step in the checklist if you want to effectively troubleshoot your problem. 1.Did