Not the computer it should be...


Jan 2, 2012

so I have built my own computer and have had it for almost exactly a year now, in my opinion I should not be experiencing the problems I currently am. To stat of I will give a brief summary of my system;

Motherboard -Asus Sabertooth 990Fx
CPU -AMD FX8150 *core processor
SSD -Corsair 120Gb
HDD -2 x Seagate Barracuda 2Tb 7200rpm
Graphics -Assus Nvidia Ge Force GTX 560 Direct II 950 MGhz
Memory -16Gb GSkillz 1600 MGhz DDR3

other than that I don't think the optical drive or power supply play an issue in this problem.

The Problem;
So it has started out slow but more and more I am experiencing greater and greater "lag" when going through different applications. Ex; I will click a video file and it will take 30 seconds (not an exaggeration) for VLC to open, or I open a new tab in chrome and it will take 30 seconds for it to "connect" to a site, once connected however I can navigate through the site without problem.

Tried Solutions;
I have tried a great many of things from using about 8 different virus scanners and cache emptying software to creating a ram disk and everything in between. To list a few: Increasing system cache, changing the setting of the hard drives in bios, and deleting sketchy programs

So as you can see I think my system is pretty good and really don't thing that I should be having these problems, I would really appreciate any help really and thank you for even just reading my post considering how you got this far.


Have you defraged your HDD's lately? Have you ran any registry cleaner lately? Every computer has registry errors that build up over time that can clog things up. You could try this cleaner its free.

Edit😀efrag LOL I guess I missed the SSD but if you have any programs installed on the HDD's or libraries they could get slow over time.

I haven't yet done the secure erase but my ssd has 22.8gb free of 120

I have tried using ccleaner before and it didn't do much along with eusing cleaner and one or two others, I defrag the HDDs frequently.

I will do this tonight and will get back to you tomorrow but my ram is pretty high quality.