fromt he article tom's published a link to before you are screwed unless you have an i7 980, the cpu load on an i7 965 is to much... This build would cost a hug amount of money and a rather big PSU. Ont he other hand you dont need heading in the winter, and yo can single handly melt icebergs now lol
lol..who would waste this much money on SLi? they showed somewhere that the 4th card gave like an extra 12.7% performance...
so 4 cards would give around 270% performance over 1 card... somehow i dont think this is worth the extra price, and the cost of the mobo and PSU
I wonder if those slots cut into the PCB helps them cool better but dam that would be one crazy power hungry case melting monster.
Silverstone has a 1500 watt PSU that is certified for 3 way SLI I am pretty sure it could most likely power all 4 no problem but dam thats almost $400 just for a power supply to even run these cards.
Considering that you'll need 28A per card (a single rail at 112A), a total of 1120W, that leaves you 380W. Now you'll need a 100W CPU (95W), so that's 10a and 100W. 122A and 1220W for the GPU/CPU, put in 80 for the rest of the system (MOBO/RAM/FANS/HDD/DVD, (8A)), you're at 122A on the 12v and 1300W. That leaves you 200W for OC'ing headroom. Not much, is it?