Nvidia 570? The card to get ?


Nov 21, 2007
For the $300+ price range, is the Geforce 570 gtx THE card to get? What is the closest ATI offers that matches performance? I'm definitely leaning Nvidia after several ATI cards and driver issues over the last few years.

Also, is the 580 gtx worth the extra $130+ extra money for price/performance? Thanks all.
If I were you (I might as well be, I'm also considering upgrading my 5870), I'd wait for the next generation of cards to be released in a couple of months time.

It might also be worth considering looking around for a cheap 2nd 5870 to give you a boost in Crossfire.

If you are determined to upgrade now, a 570 is certainly a good option, it is comparable to the 6970 (slightly slower) and the 6950 (slightly faster) depending on the title. The $130 premium is almost definitely not worth it if you aren't concerned with losing 5-10fps.

I game at 1920x1080. So I'm guessing the 570 outperforms the 5870 enough to notice?

Also, is EVGA still a recommended brand? I had an EVGA 8800GT, loved that card.

Gotcha. Yeah, I really don't want to spend 500 bones for a GPU, especially when the 570 looks to be more than sufficient.

I would wait , but I'd like to have a new card for BF3 and Skyrim. It would be nice to be able to play RAGE too, hoping I don't have the same issues as I do with the 5870.


I don't understand which is being faster and slower than which ??
GTX 580>HD 6970>GTX 570>HD 6950> GTX 560Ti

unfortunately, it just doesn't run. I blame id software for most of the problems, AMD and Id apparently didn't work at all with each other prior to the game's release, constant freezing and CTD. Check out the official forum. It's a disgrace. Nvidia users are having issues too, but it seems us Radeon peeps got the brunt of it...

The 570 does seem the be the best bang for ya buck GPU out there at the moment in the price range. I've just bought my 570 and I'm loving it.

im sorry, but getting a bios unlocked 6950 to perform where a stock 580 is.... how about ocing a 570 to where a 580 is? its all irrelevant when you take in overclocking