LOL I was thinking along very similar lines. I got a 7950X and my wife has the 7950X3D. I only went with AMD because I was tired of Intel builds (previous 3 PCs for us each) but AMD hadn't been competitive enough to get our business with Faildozer to justify an AMD build in years past. Coming from a Xeon 1680 V2 (8c16t Ivy bridge) for me and i7 970 & i7 laptop for my wife...we both had at least 100% or more in performance gains going from our old setups with Ryzen chips with 4090s. I am SOOO glad we went back to AMD. I only hope the AM5 socket gets three gens like their AM4 sockets did. It was one reason I made the AM5 over Intel hoping as much...but rumors make it sound like Zen 5 might be the end of the road for AM5. I only hope they are wrong.
Regardless this is a bad look for Intel in the high end and could well push more users to AMD. I am glad to see AMD have such a nice come back. I only hope both AMD and Intel stay competitive otherwise we will get a repeat of the +5-15% IPC upgrades we were doomed to during the early Core series CPUs/late Phenom toFaildozer years for a decade+ of stagnation. Be it AMD or Intel in the lead it doesn't really matter. Competition always leads to better cost to performance and better IPC gains for consumers in the long run. Stagnation is all to likely to return if one or the other pulls to far ahead. Time will tell.
I know for the foreseeable future I'll be hard pressed to recommend Intel CPUs to my friends and family until they can prove they are stable again in the mid-high end.