Nvidia driver error messages


Oct 6, 2011
While playing BF3, the game keeps crashing and displaying this message:


Also, I tried running 3dmark 11 and cinebench and both fail to complete a benchmark. Cinebench starts running and it looks fine but then I get an error message saying something like it timed out. 3dmark just doesn't run.

I installed the latest driver from Nvidia (specifically the one meant for BF3) and the system is brand new. Specs in the sig.

What's the problem and how do I fix it?


Oct 11, 2011
It's weird I've had the same problems with my rig since the new drivers. I have dual 580s WC (so I know temp isn't the issue in my case at least) but I still get crashes on BF3 with the same error message popping up after. My cards did come factory OC, so I'll try removing that and see if it helps.

But I don't think his issue is necessarily because of a faulty card or overheating, what temps do you hit on load?


Oct 6, 2011
My temps are fine. I can play BF3 for hours and the highest temp I've seen is maybe low to mid 50's (degrees Celsius). The card IS factory overclocked but I can't imagine that is the issue. It has to be some software/driver issue.

Everything in the system is new and high quality and the system playing BFBC2 can hit the 200 fps cap. On stock settings, I get BF3 over 100 easy with an average of 80-90 fps (my monitor is old school so highest rez is 1440).

I have windows xp on my HDD and windows 7 on my ssd. Perhaps somewhere along the line in the software installation, there was a software mix up and that's causing the issues?

Either way, I'm going to delete both hard drives, reformat and install only win 7 and then get fresh drivers from the website. Hope that will solve my issues.

P.S. I can play multiplayer pretty well, but campaign has gotten really buggy at specific spots and crashes pretty much as soon as I go to a specific place (operation guillotine). And I was having issues on a couple other mission spots as well. The driver problem also appears when I run benchmarks (i.e. 3dmark11 and cinebench).


Aug 26, 2009
are these all 1gb cards? (mine are) ill be doing some testing later using 1080p ultra but reduced and nil AA as suggested in other thread seems to be a "more than 1gb of vram needed to play bf3 @ ultra" theme building
