NVIDIA GeForce GT 970M - Running GeForce Experience - Blue Screen


Jan 24, 2018

Complete TechnoNoob here. I'm running a gaming laptop with a NVIDIA GeForce GT 970M graphics card. The card comes with a powerful and awesome suite called GeForce Experience which I use to record myself gaming. Everything was running fine until the last couple of days when suddenly mid recording session I would get a Blue Screen of Death. I've read various bits of advice online and they tend to suggest isolating a corrupt driver. Now given that I can use my game on its own just fine then I can assume that its not that which leaves me suspecting that it might be my GT 970M.

The specific Blue Screen of Death is the "irql_not_less_or_equal" error and it says something about accessing memory its not supposed to although the screen always vanishes too fast for me to jot in down.

Does this sound familiar or plausible.
error 0xC00000D4 is associated with a device not starting - but what it usually means is you have fast boot on in the bios. The boot is skipping something it should not. Go to bios and find fast boot and turn it off.
In GeForce Experience there should be a drivers tab. Click that and install the newest ones. The restart the PC. IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL has also occured on my PC, though it only did once, after installing new RAM. Usually a driver can cause this issue. Make sure you update Windows aswell as the drivers. Try to go into device manager, right click on each component and hit “Search for driver updates” and then click “Search online”. Restart after this as well
Try to find the error the Event Viewer. (Right-click on start button and select Event Viewer.) If you can find the error it should give you more helpful info in the specific error. IRQL is a return value from some operation and the fact that it is greater than zero indicates an unspecific error but you need to find the specific error to be helpful. If you have the Windows Creator update you will have a new column in Task manager lavelled 'GPU Engine'. Keep an eye on this during gaming to see if you are at 100%.

I'm in Event Viewer but I don't really know what I'm looking for. I'm not exactly sure what the time was when these crashes occurred, I was far too wrapped up in being annoyed. Is there something I can look out for that would give me a clue? I've got exclamation points in yellow triangles labelled as Warning, exclamation points in red circles, labelled as Error and a few X in a red circle, labelled Critical. Intuitively I feel that the Critical alerts are the BSoD's.

With the most recent Critical alert the sequence of events seems to run something like this:

24 Jan 18 - 08:12:17 - Error - Kernal-Boot - ID 29 - Keywords: (8796093022208) - Windows failed fast startup with error status 0xC00000D4.

FailureStatus 3221225684
FailureMsg A fatal error occurred processing the restoration data.

24 Jan 18 - 08:12: 24 - Error - EventLog - ID 6008 - Keywords: Classic - The previous system shutdown at 23:19:36 on ‎23/‎01/‎2018 was unexpected.



24 Jan 18 - 08: 12: 19 - Critical - EventLog - ID 41 - Keywords: (70368744177664),(2)


BugcheckCode 0
BugcheckParameter1 0x0
BugcheckParameter2 0x0
BugcheckParameter3 0x0
BugcheckParameter4 0x0
SleepInProgress 6
PowerButtonTimestamp 0
BootAppStatus 3221225684
Checkpoint 0
ConnectedStandbyInProgress false
SystemSleepTransitionsToOn 1
CsEntryScenarioInstanceId 0
BugcheckInfoFromEFI true
CheckpointStatus 0

I have no idea if that means anything to anyone. It sure doesn't to me.

Any thoughts?

error 0xC00000D4 is associated with a device not starting - but what it usually means is you have fast boot on in the bios. The boot is skipping something it should not. Go to bios and find fast boot and turn it off.