cangelini writes:
> ... Believe I was more than just a little pissed off about that ;-)
Do you have any kind of legal redress when a company does something like that?
I remember some time after Ultimate Doom came out, Replay used my quote from USA
Today in its advertising, but they didn't ask my permission first (worse, they
attributed the line to the paper instead of me, which kinda sucks). Not worth
doing anything about such incidents though I suppose, even if one could, yes?
ie. the costs involved, etc.
Rock_n_Rolla writes:
> ... once modded you can have the performance of a 6970 2gb version with no
> extra cost of whatsoever ...
But surely there is a cost? It voids the manufacturer warranty, yes? An important
point to remember. Not everyone wants to mess around with the product they've
bought to that extent. Great if it works, but if something goes wrong, ouch...
Your point about performance is fine, but always wise to bare in mind the potential
consequences of doing such a thing, and I doubt a site reviewer would reeeally want
to recommend a different card on the basis of one doing a mod that voids the warranty
(correct me if I'm wrong, Chris).
Btw Chris, if you are able by any chance to test the 560 (or any of your cards) with
Ungine Heaven/Sanctuary/Tropics, Stalker COP, Call of Juarez or X3TC (downloadable
benchmarks in all cases) with the settings I've been using, please feel free to let
me know the results and I'll add the info to my pages:
Only if you have the time or are curious as to what the results might be of course.
Or feel free to send me anything, I'll test and send it back. I want to expand the
pages as much as I can.