It’s 20% faster than 4070, with about the same number of SMs. That’s “decent” considering everything else (like staying on TSMC 4N). And the only reason the 4070 Super isn’t in the charts is simply because of lack of time.
Would the 4070 Super radically change things? No. It’s a bit slower than the 4070 Ti, which is in the charts, and it had a $599 price. So it’s about the same performance as the 5070, lacks the new features, and cost $50 more.
There are two more reviews going up tomorrow, and I’ve been benchmarking cards almost nonstop since the start of the year – which includes retesting cards as things keep changing. There are only so many hours in a day, week, and month.
The pricing also doesn’t factor in inflation or tariffs, which isn’t going to help the situation. A $549 price today to me feels like a $449 price from two years ago. Not that my paycheck has kept pace….