Nvidia gts 450 bios


Nov 15, 2011
Hi all
I have nvidia msi gts 450 with GPU GF116 ( normal gts 450 have GF106). This is GPU from GTX 550 ti. The fact is that this may be a GTX 550 with manufacture problems or this can be a good working one GTX 550.

Details about my card are here

i want to upgrade my bios to GTX 550 and test if its a GF116 with or without manufacture problems. I think you all know how it happens. Company makes 100 cards. Tests 10 of them.. 10 broken... And they say that all 100 are broken.. Resulting in creating one hundred GTS 450 cards ( with and without manufacture problems... and some of them are GTS 450... and some GTX 550)

What bios should i download and istall ? ply point me with a finger and a link. I have allready backuped my own bios soo dont worry. I just dont know what bios should i download and try
My current bios is shown on the screen above

Sry for bad english

soo ... what would you try first ? from what company? should start from msi or... there is no prioryty? I have msi but.. msi is only the manufacture who put all details together. Ho finger moves around the GPU from them. At what details should i watch first when selection the bios ? cause some of them are version
It more likely its been done because there is defect in the die but enough of it works to pass as a lower end GPU. the Rop`s may be disabled by the bios, or have been hardware disabled. As Sunsis says a flash may result in a Brick of the card. The A1 is an indication it was a first batch of the sillicone for a GF 116 so its likely it will fail. The 400 series got an update with a GF116 chip Btw some a few months or more ago. Likely it wont do much because I remember it was a disabled version.

I'm not advising that you reflash the VGA BIOS. That decision and risk is completely up to you.

I only provided a link to the GeForce GTX 550 Ti BIOS' because that is what you asked for.
I suspect it may brick the card ShpakRoma for what you may get out of it its not worth it.
There is that old saying , if it works don`t fix it. A working one is better than a non working one. It may be best to save up and buy a new one and sell the old to get some money back.