Afrospinach :
Afrospinach :You can call it what you wish, but around 5% of people on steam stats are using a 970 or 980, hardly mainstream by definition.
And considering that measly 5% makes it the most common card by far, that hardly suggests it's only for the elite. Going by those stats, there are 64% more 970 cards out there than the much more mainstream 960.
Well I guess not being able to check steam stats at work just bit me in the ass. Some guy was trying to downplay the 970/980 on another forum and I took it as him saying their 5% was a poor share.
We've all done that once or twice.
At 4.9%, it's the most common card right now by far ( granted, that's only Steam users who agreed to let their specs be involved in the survey ). The next most common GPU ( not counting Intel HD graphics since I don't know if those are counted in addition to the dGPU ) is the 960 at 3.14%, then the 750 Ti at 2.71%.