Honestly *shrugs* I'm no fan of Intel's practices, but really, it's nVidia's own fault they're now the proverbial man without a country: For years now, nVidia has used their reputation and clout as THE Graphics Performance Leader to muscle, bully and strangle-grip the market.. They got a little too big for their britches, though, burned a few strategically advantageous bridges and now, to quote the Floyd, it's a little "too late to lose the weight [they] used to need to throw around"...
Years of nVid smack-talk (remember all that "death of the CPU" hype?) has pricked Intel enough to attempt some serious direct competition. And you know what? It doesn't even matter if Larrabee is crap this gen, because now that Intel more-or-less has the Green team in their sights, nVidia is seein' MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN scrawled in a large, aggressive lookin' font on the wall: they recognize that, without an x86 and their own production arm capable of putting out a decent CPU, they are effectively OVER in this market. Which is why they're putting SO MUCH EFFORT, now, into promoting GPGPU chic--trying SO HARD to make us realize how "relevent" the multi-use potential of their cards is; FORCE us to see how useful their cards are in the General Processing arena...