Nvidia is Looking Forward to Fight Intel in Court

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sooo wait..nvidia is mad at intel because intel creates chipsets for almost all motherboards? Nvidia makes video and graphics products..not chipsets..i dont get it
In the video, Nvidia's CEO is talking about Intel hampering their ability to put GPUs in notebooks, citing that the chips are too big and power hungry.

Is that the reason the newest GPU Nvidia has for notebooks is still a G92 part? What does that have to do with Intel?

Also, Nvidia lost out on chipsets because theirs sucked compared to Intel's...AFAIK, that's pretty fair.
Short explanation, please don't flame me, Nvidia's GPU's are starting to have more computing power than CPUs, hence CUDA's ability to offload complex calculations to the GPU that wold just take a long time on CPU. So Intel feels threatened, hence the end of their somewhat close partnership late last year. AMD must be just smirking right now, their two biggest rivals duking it out at each other. Though if the GPU in the future can't co-exist with CPU AMD's CPUs are also in trouble, wait they have Stream.
Woops, chipsets, my bad. Intel beat out Nvidia when it released X58 which mostly came with 2 x16 PCI-e slots, before that only Nvidia's come default with that many for SLI.
This is just silly bickering. Intel wants control and so does NVIDIA. They will both whinge about the other not letting them do what they want. This sorta crap goes on all day everyday with most competing companies.
Please, oh please, let Intel win this one.

No more nVidia chipsets, no... just no...

Besides if nVidia totally gives up on the chipset business AMD might be able to enable SLI on their boards, which is the best case scenario for both AMD and the consumer.

But really, no nVidia chipsets, never again...
I honestly thought the NVIDIA chipsets where awesome. The Nforce 2 was sooo much better than any of the crap that was competing against it. The 680i was fantastic IMHO.
I want Nvidia to win this. Intel has definitely strong-armed them out of the desktop chipset business. Whether Nvidia chipsets are great or not, they were a competitor and losing them only makes things worse. Look at how long Intel is taking to implement USB 3 and SATA 6 on their motherboards. Less competition only hurts consumers.
umm nForce chipsets did a good job. Performance wise they were up there with the best. More competition and more choice I dont get why people say that nvidia should not develope chipsets.
[citation][nom]chickenhoagie[/nom]let me rephrase..nvidia should STICK TO making just video and graphics products and not chipsets..because why would they want to make chipsets?[/citation]

Because that's a pretty large part of their business. For AMD stuff (even though I wouldn't get one) and for socket 775 (and possibly some laptop stuff)

[citation][nom]frozenlead[/nom]Also, Nvidia lost out on chipsets because theirs sucked compared to Intel's...AFAIK, that's pretty fair.[/citation]

No, they literally had a deal with intel that basically allowed them to make chipsets in general for any kind of socket that they would make. Intel then said that the agreement had to do with a specific bus type only, and made up a new one. Then didn't give nvidia what they would need for the i5 or i7 sockets because it somehow no longer applied. Effectively nvidia can't make chipsets at all for those.

The quality of chipsets is quite irrelevant when it comes to something like this. That's like saying let's ban VIA from making anything because they can't keep up with intel, amd/ati, or nvidia.
Some nvidia chipsets were a bit of a hard to oc and where bad in general. I had many nvidia chipsets from nForce4, 650i, 680i, and 790i. 680i was a very good no problems there but the 790i was crap. nvidia just want the bigger portion on the market pie, Money Hungrryryryry.
Nvidia's chipsets were good for their time, but they never really responded to Intel's products. The 680i was good, but Intel responded with the X38/X48 and later the X58, which the 790i never matched.
I didn't say Nvidia shouldn't develop chipsets...I just don't think they should be complaining if their product doesn't compete well with the competitions'.
Currently Nvidia is not allowed to make chips with integrated graphics for i5-i7. This is very bad for consumers, especially for notebook buyers.
its not Intel vs nVidia, its Intel and nVidia vs Consumers

both of them practice bad business that is harmful to consumers... they both seek monopoly and killing competition.

I see where they are coming from. But personally they should really be working on their performance aspect, even if they claim they want to put gpus in netbooks, what am I gonna expect to play on it? They are losing a battle with ati, so I guess they are looking for a safety net in chipsets?
If you could get a choice of:
Intel - "True" GPU on the CPU socket
Nvidia - Real GPU on the chipset

What would you want?
Remember, this is only meaningful for notebook users..

I really think that Intel wants to push Nvidia out of the integrated GPU business with the integrated GPUs.

I would want a non restricted platform. Specially if I could get some real 3D performance over the huge disapointment of the "Intel HD graphics"...
I wonder if pager companies ever though of taking the Cell phone provides into court becasue they were no longer needed or used by the consumers.
This is Stupid. Intel has the right to do whatever they want with their CPU's. It's only a natural progression to have more and more components integrated into a single Chip. Is anyone complaining that the Math Co-processor has been part of the CPU since the 386? Did anyone complain when first AMD and then Intel integrated the Memory controller into the same Chip? You shouldn't hold progress back just because nVidia doesn't like it.
The man has lost his mind. but then again what choice does he have.
I remembered when I made my Socket 939 with Nforce 4... It was so sweet and give me confidence NV + AMD = Performance
Since AMD+ATI things are changed and NV left alone without solid direction, they made many things such CHIPSET, GPU, RE Labeled GPU, Optimus, Physx, Fermi, 3D Vision... but nothing comes as a killer product. In fact they miss the GPU schedule and try to gain popularity by creating 2D comic against Intel.
Fighting Intel in the chipset business is not a solution because every chipset must develop according to the processor and this always lead AMD+ATI or INTEL+INTEL ahead....

I don't think I've ever seen an article with less information and more comments with even less information about "fight fight on the playground" Maybe that's because the article gave such nonsense information.

Ok. The lawsuit isn't _just_ about chipsets, it's actually about a specific license for _part_ of the chipset. A part of the chipset that is moving onto the chip itself. Something that Nvidia, Intel and AMD were aware of and presented papers, talked about at conferences, etc. _before_ the license between Nvidia and Intel was signed. Maybe the author should read the filings in the lawsuit before writing "fight fight on the playground" or maybe you just like your google ads and don't exactly have reporters anymore.
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