in response to ang3.. comment, he does not know what he is taking about. Weather a device is behind in terms of tech, and is treated as such buy a buying group, is defined as such by those who buy, and those considering the option. They are not naive to perceive the products as lagging behind. What he is saying is that some like it, and no matter what they rest of the market thinks, they are naive and apple doesnt lag behind in performance. lol. no matter what postition they are in. Myself: i made about 172, 000 this year rebuilding a home, next year i will make more. for people like me a 5870 is would be a cheaper card.
And all this sillyness in not silly, and third pary graphics increase is too involved... what would you have them do for free time? and i notice he is not an apple user, and if they dont lag behind interms of tech/price, how come he is not a past(presume) or present user lol. much less video for dollar to dollar price can be considered to be lagging behind in performance, including games. I am sorry but some can just afford the best, and to get less would be Silly. the 5870 is 30 percent better thatn my old 4890, and i would not touch it with a ten foot pole. And i am tired of people acting like a couple thosand is too involved, too much money, i must be wasting both time and money. i made over 150, 000 in land development this year alone, and for me not to spend some of this disposable income/time that i EARNED by living like a street bum is well, crazy.