Nvidia power management adaptive, optimal or max performance?


Jul 14, 2013
So i have gtx1080 from gigabyte and with older driver 375.09 when playing league of legends fans werent even spinning "fan stop" led was shining and tdp was 5% maybe with never driver 375.16 they are spinning and its getting hotter even same card, same game, in gigabytes software fans start spinning from 50c i believe only - in the nvidia drivers the default setting was optimal power, so choosing adaptive will correct this kinda problem, because i read in forums that max performance can make your card run full performance even you watching youtube only... which ones better?
I have never tried apative. I use optimal power, if you use max performance your gpu will run at its base clock or higher at all times. I tried max performance and noticed my gpu was sitting in the upper 50s at all times when at idle with no fans on. Using optimal power it sit at around 30-32c idle with no fans on.
I have never tried apative. I use optimal power, if you use max performance your gpu will run at its base clock or higher at all times. I tried max performance and noticed my gpu was sitting in the upper 50s at all times when at idle with no fans on. Using optimal power it sit at around 30-32c idle with no fans on.