Nvidia Predicts 570X GPU Performance Increase

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Its possible. The CPU has increased from 266Mhz P2 to the 3GHz processors now. This happened in less than 10 years.
Spanky, Spanky, Spanky.... Aside from still not exactly being correct on many points, that's still not realistic. That would be a 1000+ watt circuit the way you describe it, 4x the die size at twice the operating frequency with 4/8/16/whatever times the number of transistors firing isn't going to happen, period. The power savings from smaller transistors are offset by the increased number of transistors, if they make the die 4x bigger, they'd have to reduce the clockspeed by atleast half, not double it.
winter: No, because the circuit design and lithography processes are mature now, they weren't then. Unless something changes, the theoretical max is 22nm, which is half of what we're at today, so we'll get one good doubling of our CPUs(pretty much just more cores), and x86 won't see any significant improvements, the instruction sets are maxed out, there's no more revolution left, and clockspeeds won't exceed 4ghz.

The only possible revolution I see is if AMD's Fusion successfully integrates stream processing into the CPU with shared cache, where GPGPU offloading could then be done automagically for all applications by the CPU without having to copy data from main memory to GPU memory. Even then, there's no guarantee that it will consistently work well, only time will tell.
I'd say its not that unrealistic. Its hard to make a 1-1 comparison however if you look at GPU performance numbers from 6 yrs ago compared to the ones today you are talking drasticly high numbers. I don't know that we see anything close to a 100x jump in performance every year for that time frame but you do see a major jump over the course of 6yrs.

Its pretty hard to imagine a 500x performance bump from what we have today. That would be a monster of a card!
wtf does it matter when all the drones would rather the 90s graphics of their wii, cause its "cheap and cute"

this is good, but it still seems that the consoles are doing a better job of destroying gaming than the pc guys are doing to save it...
I think the reason the claim was made was because of what a GPU is now and where he wants to take it.

I actually think its credible. The PPU right now isn't that effecient or complicated. As Tegra and OpenCL advance further, the PPU will get more effecient and complex. When you factor in a PPU is just about equivalent to a CPU, and video cards right now pack 600 of these. Its staggering the amount of raw processing power you have there.
[citation][nom]tipoo[/nom]To me it looks like something you would see in NFS, nothing impressive.[/citation]
ha jokes on you, that's an actual photograph!!!!!!!
This is like Intel saying that Pentium 4 will scale to 10 GHz before Intel was forced to abandon the Netburst processors.

I call BS on 570x but wouldn't be surprised that GPUs are growing faster than CPUs, but not by that much. I'd say ~200x max.
CRAP!!! I knew I should of waited to get a new video card... No but really I can see it now... gtx650 in 5 way sli... 10000 watt power supply. and all my lifes income paying the electric company.
[citation][nom]intesx81[/nom]Here's my 'translation' of this article: The amount of GPU computing (using the GPU for non-graphic work) with increase by 570x. Considering the nearly non-existant uses for GPU based computing today, its definitely conceivable that there could be 570x more uses for GPU based computing. This just seems like whoever picked up the story took the figure out of context. Its technically true but not in the way we're reading it.[/citation]

totally agree, read the nvidia blog provided by NocturnalOne, he talks of the 570x increase in CPU+GPU performance, it's in the slide...

20FPS in Crysis with Nvidia's best card now multiply that by 750X and if my math is correct in 6 years it would be about 1 million frames per second.:)

Seriously though, wouldn't Photo Realistic games be not to far behind?
i think you guys have misunderstood his statement. he wasn't saying that a graphic card in 6 years will be 570 times faster than the fastest today. he was saying the amount of calculations done on GPUs in the future will be 570 times the amount of calculations done on GPUs today. i think this will be due to people using GPUs a lot more instead of CPUs to do calculations and this will be helped by OpenCL and cloud computing which should finally make it easy for people to use GPUs for general purpose calculations and should also make it possible for these processors to be fully utilized all the time instead of sitting idle most of the time when people are not playing games on them.
[citation][nom]Spanky_McMonkey[/nom]Spanky_Deluxe: That is some of the most epic fail math ever. 22nm will accomodate 2.5x as many transistors as 55nm, not 8x.[/citation]
They are usually build in two dimensions.
55 nm * 55 nm = 3025 nm^2
22nm * 22nm = 484 nm^2
Increase: 3025/484 = 6.25x

You just have to love when little narcissistic kids make complete fools of themselves.
LeJay: Are you an electrical engineer? Are transistors perfectly square? Do they leave proportionately less space between them when they are smaller? Go dig up any of AMDs or Intels 90nm and 45nm chips, and compare the number of transistors to the die size, then report your findings back here, including the math. Right now you're just some smug little twat who can do multiplication, I'm not particularly impressed.
Although it might be technically possible, I doubt 570X increase will happen. It wouldn't make sense from a $ standpoint. Nvidia comes out with something then about6 months later AMD has to come out with something better & vice versa. The companies are coming out with usually only 50-100% increase in GPU power each time which is what they need to just stay ahead of they other guy. At 100% increase per year we are talking 128X increase in 6 years. It would cost too much to increase 200% per year which would be 3X performance per year. It would be nice if it would happen but just don't see it happening at present rate. It would be interesting to see how much faster the GPUS are today are compared to 6 years ago.
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