Question NVidia Reflex in Valorant On or On + Boost

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Nick C.

Sep 12, 2019
Hello everyone,
There has been this question I always asked myself and tried my best finding an answer on Reddit, Youtube, Twitter, asking people, but there's no one cohesive answer I got.

NVidia Reflex should it be On or On + Boost?

I have RTX 3080 & i9-9900k, I play Valorant on a high competitive level, which is why I would like to know the answer to this question, should I run it on On or On + Boost? There is also Low latency mode in NVidia control panel, but every says the Reflex is newer so to use that and leave the Low latency mode in NV control panel on default.

Someone said that if you leave it on On you get 1 queue frame, but if you go On + Boost, that lowers it, but they said you should use On cause that makes it consistent, does it?
I would like to get an actual answer on the topic, should I use On or On + Boost with my setup, and how does that affect my game experience (Valorant).

I hope this will finally be cleared for me, thanks in advance!
Not to be elusive, but have you personally tried the various modes to see what works best for you?
I did, but I don't understand the technical side of the things and in theory, which setting should be the best?
It's definitely better with Reflex on either On or On + Boost cause without it you get latency penalty, but the difference between On or On + Boost from technical side is what im interested in and in theory, which setting should be the better one to use, especially on my rig.
I did, but I don't understand the technical side of the things and in theory, which setting should be the best?
It's definitely better with Reflex on either On or On + Boost cause without it you get latency penalty, but the difference between On or On + Boost from technical side is what im interested in and in theory, which setting should be the better one to use, especially on my rig.
If you Google that you get a ton of information.
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