Question Nvidia RTX 4060 windows night light is reset constantly

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Dec 3, 2011
I installed Nvidia RTX 4060 GPU some time ago. Since installed, the night light of windows 10 is not working well. It did work well before.
After the GPU was installed, when I enable night light in windows (my use is for filtering blue light), the screen turns into night light and things are fine. Some time after (could be minutes, could be hours), the screen turns back again to full color. I tried using the night light by turning it on, or by setting a schedule, but it doesn't help.

Any idea why is it happening and how to solve it ?

Nvidia RTX 4060 GPU driver ver:
Nvidia control panel ver 8.1.965.0.
I installed Nvidia RTX 4060 GPU some time ago.
What GPU did you have prior to the RTX4060? Did you run DDU to remove all GPU drivers(Intel, AMD and Nvidia) prior to dropping in the new GPU in, to later manually install the latest GPU driver sourced from Nvidia's support site in an elevated command, i.e, Right click installer>Run as Administrator ?

You forgot to mention the make and model of your PSU. Please mention the age of the unit.
My system:
CPU: Intel i7 6700K
Memory: 32GB
PSU: CoolerMaster 750W V750 GOLD - V2 bought it few months ago.

I didn't use DDU (I never heard of it before), but I did uninstall the AMD driver / Catalyst first (I use IObit uninstaller free version to uninstall software. I uninstalled Catalyst, then searched for any "amd" word and uninstalled those too, if there were any).
Thanks for your help.
Before installing DDU, I tried creating a restore point in case something goes wrong, but cannot do it because I got error code 0x81000203. Tried to deal with it using suggestions from forums, but so far haven't solved this problem. Until I find a way to create windows restore point, I will probably wait with DDU.
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