Mr Expert :
Lance Theaderman :
I think many of you are missing the main point. This is basically an open Beta for the real deal to come later Tegra5 and onward. This is to learn what works and does not. Shield 2 and so on will be so much more. i am buying one to support Nvidia long term effort. Mark my words will we see with tegra5 streaming pc any where you can get a signal with 4g lte or wifi. Now that is why this will rock in the future. The whole Nvidia grid/ cloud foray should tell you where they are heading!!!
LOL this is a big flop and risk. AMD has a sure thing with the consoles. This stupid handheld will flop because it is to big and there are not enough hardcore geeks like you out there to make it fly well with cell phones becoming more and more powerful and popular. There is no place for this goofy POS called shield LOL. It will be fun to see when nvidia crashes and burns.
I am not so sure console are a "sure thing" any more. This is the first time that a console launch with weaker specs than a medium gaming PC out of the gate. Typically it is Consoles are stronger than the best gaming rig money can buy.(last 3 generations have been for sure) I have built more gaming computers in the last 6 mths for people who are getting away from consoles than I have built in 5 years. Typically they are budget rigs with 650ti boost to GTX760 Nvidia cards or comparable ATI/AMD cards. I can build 650.00 to 1000.00 game rig that does as well or much better than a PS$ or Xbone. Also you can always add a second card to upgrade later on.
Besides I am far from a hardcore geek. If anything I am a Gym rat or an ATV/Dirt Bike fanatic. Gaming is a stress relief nothing more, nothing less. That all said will the shield succeed. I feel confident it will. Nvidia is not looking to sell a billion of them. They are looking to carve out a nice slice of pie in the portable gaming market. I think they will do that with the coming models. I do not think this Shield will sell like hotcakes but as they upgrade it I feel it will outclass all other portable game systems. Besides unlike AMD/ATI Nvidia actually has money to burn...... ;-) If it fails so what. Try something else. They have the capital. They are typically smart with it. That is why they have billions of cash on hand 3.4b and have no debt. AMD/ATI on the other hand are struggling and had to sell their headquarters to get a cash surge. They now rent that building.......I hope they do make a turn around as I like their products. As with the shield....time will tell.