They didn't get that monopoly by doing anything dirty or even using massive buying power though, so while they may have monopoly power to some degree charging a lot for their products is about the only right way to use it. They could completely stomp out AMD and Intel buy competing on price actually and that would actually be far more of an abusive way of using that power.Companies pricing their products extremely high when they are basically the sole player in the market is the reason regulations exist to stop monopolies from occuring.
They currently have no proper competitors in this space, and are making use of monopoly power to charge prices they would never be able to in a remotely competitive market. If this situation continues, they will likely be subject to anti-trust action. Precisely because the laws of supply and demand don't work when you have full control over the supply.
They are doing the only thing regulators actually don't go after monopoly power for...charging a lot. Only case where that is considered wrong is a monopoly on something people would literally die water or food during a crisis.