NY Democrats Claim Free Speech is Privilege, Not a Right!

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This took all of 2 minutes
Socialism is the idea that the government outright owns and controls industrys in it's country such as oil and coal, and natural gas companies. The profits go to the people. Which makes sence to me. Those mineral rights should be public domain.

The U.S. is about the only major industrilized country that allows private instatutions to control vital energy interests.
Sooooo, the Gov't is so much better at controlling industry and the energy sector? Solyndra?
This took all of 2 minutes

hehe. I thought personal atacks were not tolerated. :lol:

Pardon me for laughing at Obama's idea of using class warfare to get elected. The idea got Nixon elected twice.

According to Obama’s administration and his Democrat cohorts in Congress, the law-abiding, self-supporting, job-having, tax paying Tea Party consists of terrorists, racists and hostage takers. But the Wall Street protesters — those communists and socialists who are being arrested by the hundreds, shouting “kill the cops,” costing cities a fortune in overtime and generally stinking up the place — are merely frustrated, put upon members of society victimized by greed.

What a behar.

“God bless them” according to Nancy Pelosi, whose husband made his fortune as…. wait for it…. an investment banker.

Be sure not to refer to Botoxi the Clown as a behar if you quote this when replying. A female dog who wants the wombshifter is fine.



No doubt Europe is having a lot of trouble, and by and large they are socialist. But on the other hand China is socialist to the extrme all the while, they are leading the world in economic growth.

Conclusion that I draw; there is no coralation between GDP growth and national defecets based on wether or not a country is socialist.

The answers are more complex.

I am talking about actual statistics showing that there are plenty of jobs. Because I think what everyone has been talking about lately (Democrats and Republicans) is how slow our jobs numbers have been.

Solyndra is not a government managed company. What happened there the Obama administration knowing it wasn't a good investment and giving them money anyway because they had friends.

I agree. That is why we cannot allow a handful of corporations to run things.

Instead of the government or corporations owning things, I think we should collectivize industry so that the people own it.
I understood your question, but to an extent both of you are right
There are alot of trade type jobs available, but, not as many as there were

The economy of course lowers potential trade jobs as well as anything else, but, since there arent the people to fill them, there somewhat bountiful in todays economy.

People want to push buttons, not wheelbarrows, and while they wait, others are making 60K a year.

Its hard work, I used to do some carpentry, some foundation work as well
Im just finishing a 12x12 shed I designed(no biggy), and yes, its been a little tough here n there, but I wouldnt have been able to do it at all if not for my previous experience, and I saved 3K, and its done the way I wanted it

I know alot of young pups who either couldnt understand whats needed to be done, or simply wouldnt do it themselves because itd be too hard.

Dont get me wrong, many of my neighbors and fellow co workers my age, when I was younger, didnt or wouldnt have done it either, but those numbers have grown alot, and is why a movie a day without a Mexican could even be written and done, which is truly a shame, as Rome also became soft from within, and collapsed, with division and corruption to drive it

PS Idf add, true socialism, or communism hasnt worked, and has led to collapse in good times (USSR) or, low level economies (Cuba, China before they opened their doors to a form of capitalism)

Not the way to go, and China has yet to fully realize a standard of living anywhere near the Wests, and never will
From Badges first link:
“The focus is on Wall Street and justifiably so,” Pelosi said. “The message of the American people is that no longer … will the recklessness of some on Wall Street cause massive joblessness on Main Street.”

Now, if people believe this, we are doomed.
I'll get wall street out of the way first
Yes, theyve moved jobs, held down wages to an extent, some have stolen our money and gained reward afterwards, by using the governments mandates to their advantage

Now, having said that, if those mandates and regulations hadnt existed, they wouldnt have made the bad investments, as many did, on the consumer side, with those not smart enough to know they couldnt afford the house they were buying, and the banks, who were forced by Pelosi and company to make all those bad loans
Obviously, the buck doesnt stop at congress, it starts rolling from there, and yes, theyre responsible, but Obama was playing his part as a community organizer, threatening the banks with lawsuits at the time as well, so all the conies are now being the accuser (see the Bible), as they supplied the apple, they twist the words of what itll do after one eats it

That seems a little anecdotal. I could tell stories about people who would love to work but can't find a job, or people who are working two jobs and can't support their family; but I want some hard statistical evidence.

That is simply not true. Removing regulations would only give them more license. Corporations don't care about the country they're based in, their only objective is making money for shareholders.

Yep... Herman Cain and many Republicans believe the same thing.

Star Wars got it all wrong. The real battle is not between Jedi and Sith (Republic and Empire) but rather Order (War) vs. Chaos (Peace). Most people figure that Chaos is synonymous with War and Indecision but this couldn't be further from the truth. People get annoyed and irritated when they're told that they cannot behave a certain way because someone else disagrees with that method of behavior even when that behavior has no ill affects towards anyone. This is someone attempting to institute an order over others.

In Star Wars the hero ends up being the Centrist Luke Skywalker who brings "Balance" to the force by learning to use his emotions to guide him but reason as well. Learning to trust his feelings while not allowing them to control him. Basically becoming a Democrat.

This is a false dichotomy as any imposition upon another creates an element of uncertainty. That is to say that every action is followed by a reaction. That reaction is based on choices that people make. If you piss off people enough and take away enough of their choices... they will cease to believe in the righteousness of your cause. This is the unfortunate truth with regards to Federalism (or any other form of Statism).

All ideas and perspectives ought to be able to freely compete in an open and fair market place. This means no Central Authority (over time I would argue) and the full respect of Voluntary Social/Economic Contracts between willing participants. Want Universal Single Payer health care? Find others that also support this idea, form a social contract and pool your resources together. Want less taxation then don't sign any social contracts and go at it alone.

This was impossible in the days when Proudhon thought it up... with with a method of communication such as the Internet... anything is possible it seems.

Old ideas die hard... time to end any notion of Republic or Empire. They're false dichotomies.

Peace (and I really mean it).

and why is it bad that corporations are making more money?

Simple Question... Complex Answer.

It depends on the Environmental Variables at play at the given time (depends on reality). Right now a bureaucratically bloated State is unable to act/react to Economic problems due to a loss of "faith" in said Bureaucratic State.

This Bureaucratic State was bought and paid for by private interests emanating from the Market. These interests pay off elected officials in order for those elected officials to enact legislation that will give them a net benefit over would-be/current competitors in the market place. This is called Corporatism.

These Private Interests then bank all of the excess profits that they acquired through corruptive behavior(s) and invest them in emerging markets in other nations hiring cheap labor. This then creates pressure in the USA for the work force to accept similar working conditions to the Chinese workers jumping out of Windows from that Foxconn factory in China.

So you ask... "Why is it bad that Corporations are making more money?" Well... I would argue that the means that they're pursuing to meet end goals are not in keeping with professed end goals (freedom, Liberty etc). They preach freedom and liberty and less taxation and more personal responsibility and then cheat, lie, steal, plunder, pollute, murder and corrupt.

I view it as an environmental issue (as in operating environment). It is in their own interests to cheat, lie, steal, plunder, pollute, murder and corrupt because if they don't do it somebody else will... well that doesn't excuse the behavior(s).

The Federal Reserve makes this whole thing easy by corrupting the money supply and controlling the money supply.

So you ask me why is it wrong that they make money?

Well because they do it on the backs of consumers, on the backs of the middle class, On the backs of our Environment on the backs of the Global Economy and all the while oppressing the living *** out of labor forces world wide. So yeah... under those conditions... it is DEAD WRONG!

not all corporations are as bad as foxconn. believe it or not a lot of people like their jobs. ya some companies are very bad in china but imagine what kind of life the chinese would have jobless.

As you said in a differing form, so this is the reason for having bad regulation?
As was said earlier, the point taken to the extreme, not wanting certain taxes isnt refering to never having them, and having bad regulations isnt the sum total of all regulations
When the governments steps in and forces money lenders to break existing rules of their trade, where its been shown to be equitible between lender and borrower, as both see a gain in their transactions, and government forces the lenders to exceed its safe window on lending, and those loans become bad, all the while, the marketplace heats up, with government giving no concerns, prices skyrocket as demand goes up, since everyone can now buy a house, the bubble bursts, banks fail, get bailed out, and the very ones that created it blame the banks
Go ahead, kiss em and love em, I prefer warm blooded partners myself

Seems to prove mine instead: "Even though there aren't enough jobs to go around, there are a lot of jobs that people don't have the skills to fill." I don't know why you're challenging an assumption that everyone makes.

It's not bad that they're making more money. The point was about how sometimes their interests conflict with the public good. Controlling access to information, anti-competitive pracices, you can think of a lot of things.

In the other forum, a member mentioned that tax money in general is wasted, so he was actually arguing against taxes, not "certain taxes."
Can you give me a source that says lending corporations have "been shown to be equitable"? It's in their nature to *** people over for a buck. Why would they not try to maximize profit?
Because the existing regulations were trampled upon, by these same people, and then they have the gall to blame the banks.
If the banks had done this without their screwing over of existing regs and traditions, then of course, blame them, let them eat anything but cake.
But this isnt the case, the wolves are dressing the sheep, placing wolves clothing on the pigs

it proves mine too. you said that there was a lack of jobs. and asked me where ive been for the past 3 years.

Have you been paying attention for the last 3 years? There is a distinct lack of jobs.
that is you btw
there is always going to be not enough jobs to go around so there will always be a percent of people unemployed. what is shocking is that there are so many jobs out there that people are not qualified for
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