Methinks Elmo is a Libertarian. I'd be curious to see where
you fall with this quiz.
ElMoIsEviL :
Yep... Herman Cain and many Republicans believe the same thing.
I would hope that you believe that anyone who understands the intent and establishment of America as a republic would believe the same thing and not continue the dichotomy that only Republicans believe the same thing. Issues like this, and opposition to the legislation proposed by these NY Senators, transcend Democrat/Republican and are against the very foundation of principles of the American Republic.
ElMoIsEviL :
Star Wars got it all wrong. The real battle is not between Jedi and Sith (Republic and Empire) but rather Order (War) vs. Chaos (Peace). Most people figure that Chaos is synonymous with War and Indecision but this couldn't be further from the truth. People get annoyed and irritated when they're told that they cannot behave a certain way because someone else disagrees with that method of behavior even when that behavior has no ill affects towards anyone. This is someone attempting to institute an order over others.
In Star Wars the hero ends up being the Centrist Luke Skywalker who brings "Balance" to the force by learning to use his emotions to guide him but reason as well. Learning to trust his feelings while not allowing them to control him. Basically becoming a Democrat.
Dude, Star Wars? Sorry, but you lose points for using Star Wars in this analogy. Luke a democrat? HAHAHAHA! He was a Jedi, like his father before him!
Chaos by definition is an utter state of confusion, hereto indecision. It is inherent in human nature to abhor chaos. I also think that chaos leads to the entropy of ideas. However, I do agree Chaos, in of itself, does not equal war.
ElMoIsEviL :
This is a false dichotomy as any imposition upon another creates an element of uncertainty. That is to say that every action is followed by a reaction. That reaction is based on choices that people make. If you piss off people enough and take away enough of their choices... they will cease to believe in the righteousness of your cause. This is the unfortunate truth with regards to Federalism (or any other form of Statism).
I believe that America has proven republicanism and the sovereignty of the States has stood the test of time. It is a result of a movement away from republicanism and a result of continued push of political ideologies over the foundation of the American republic that the People have lost faith in the righteousness of causes. American republicanism has been under scrutiny as a result of the rise of socialism, centralized government, and centralized federal authority.
ElMoIsEviL :
All ideas and perspectives ought to be able to freely compete in an open and fair market place. This means no Central Authority (over time I would argue) and the full respect of Voluntary Social/Economic Contracts between willing participants. Want Universal Single Payer health care? Find others that also support this idea, form a social contract and pool your resources together. Want less taxation then don't sign any social contracts and go at it alone.
I think that following the Constitution and limiting Federalism to the powers outlined in it achieve the desired outcome outlined by the above statement.
ElMoIsEviL :
This was impossible in the days when Proudhon thought it up... with with a method of communication such as the Internet... anything is possible it seems.
I agree with some of Proudhon's ideas, especially the concept that the only legitimate source of property is labor, what someone produces is their own property, and his opposition to State ownership. But in the big picture, his theories (like Marx) are not pragmatic and only make for good ideological discussion.
ElMoIsEviL :
Old ideas die hard... time to end any notion of Republic or Empire. They're false dichotomies.
Ideas that have stood the test of time and that have been proven are the hardest to kill. To end the American republic is to end America as we know it.
ElMoIsEviL :
Peace (and I really mean it).
And peace be with you!