NZXT PHANTOM 240 Opinions?


Jun 4, 2015
I'm looking for a case for my build and have been looking at the NZXT Phantom 240.

Has anyone had any experience with it?

I'm not too fussed by sound (I'm going for a R9 380), but my priorities are keeping my components cool and looking good.

The PC will be used for gaming!
the phantom is a good case but my favorite is the antec 900 as it has more room, better cable management, good airflow, longer card length availability, 3 120mm fans pre-installed.

here is a comparison

Would the NZXT Phantom 240 keep a R9 380 and i5-4590 (not overclocked) cool?
(I much prefer the look of it than most other cases I've seen (including nearly all Antec cases))
That is a fine case if you like the looks then get it I would add 2 more 120mm fans 1 upfront blowing in and one in the top blowing out. Never buy a case you don't like the looks of your the one that will be looking at it every day.
If your adding a aftermarket CPU cooler the clearance for it is 158mm if your using the stock Intel cooler that don't matter.
The dated, no cable management, 0 dust filters Antec 900 is not something I would ever even consider buying.

Does the Phantom 240 come with dust filters?

For the power supply yes.

LOL the updated version is the exact same but with USB3.0
The 240 holds video cards 290mm with the center drive cage installed and 400mm with it removed still leaving the bottom cage for 3 drives and direct airflow to the video card.
Never try to get somebody to buy a case the don't like their the one looking at it every day when their absolutely nothing wrong with the case they picked.


Don't listen to him that is all wrong information.
Look at this you will how the center hard drive bay can be removed simple as 1, 2, 3.
Click on the specks on that page you will see it fits a 400mm card.
VGA Card: 400mm w/o HDD Cage 290mm with HDD Cage
Buy the case and enjoy it don't let the uninformed or to proud to actually do some research to spoil your build.

Dude not mod the case or remove the bays just the center one that will leave 3 bays for drives DO SOME REASERCH PLEASE>
Their so many people here that should not be able to reply to anything because their not qualified.