Hello all, got my i7 5820k gaming rig up and running, haven't overclocked it yet, and don't know if I even need to considering that I can run current 2015 games on ultra settings and temps don't even go pass 45 with the Corsair H100i working. Everything is good but the loudness of the case fans when gamming only. I can barely hear the fans on idle or steaming/downloading movies but soon as I launch Dying Light or Dragon Age 3 the fans kicks into high gear. I don't remember having this issue with the previous Phantom Case on the AMD build I gave to my 12 yr old son (He's so happy, lol) but then again I did had to replace the top fan which could be he same issue on the 820. Could it be that the radiator from the cooler is pushing too much heat causing the fan to raise at max speed? In most goggle reports people said it was the rear 140mm but I don't think that's the case here.
If anyone had this issue recently, I could really use a fix, even if I have to buy some quiet edition fans such as this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181049
If anyone had this issue recently, I could really use a fix, even if I have to buy some quiet edition fans such as this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181049