O/S on one drive and Files and Folders on another drive


Sep 30, 2008
On my new built in progress, can I install Vista Home Premium 64 on one hard drive C: and install all files and folders on another drive D:?

I would like to do this so if I have to re-install Vista I would only have to clone it to drive C: using Acronis.

The only thing I have found is the following and it leaves me concerned about the Contact Folder as per the comments:


As anyone here done it?

What would be the best way to do it?

I have my documents on a different drive. I know most people prefer to do it that way so that, like you said, if you have to re-install the OS you don't lose your data. I would move the user folder and just copy the "Contacts" folder back to the original location if you use Windows Mail. I, personally, don't use Windows Mail so I've never had that problem.