Obama Authorizing Air Strikes in Iraq

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Talk about a flip flop individual!

What happens Mr. O when you yourself are responsible for innocent women and children being killed, when you spewed so much regarding the Bush administrations shortcomings, and look at you now!

Did you even consider you had pulled out of Iraq too soon?, Well I guess you will now! :pfff:

Of course you can always blame someone else, Right!

For the record, I was against going into Iraq in the first place!

But once we were committed we had a responsibility to the Iraqi people to finish the job!

It wasn't finished when Bush Senior did his thing the first time, and the Iraqi people were left hanging at Saddam Husseins mercy, or lack of mercy!

Look what baby boy JR did, with all his lies of weapons of mass destruction, he started this 2nd farce!

But now, it's your turn Mr.O and by pulling out too soon, you've created a nice mess to add your account, but sooner or later missile strikes do kill the innocent, what then Mr. O.

You become what you despised, ranted, and raved against!

That source claims 100,000 military deaths. That's between 3 and 10 times the most commonly accepted estimates. 100,000 is probably higher than the estimates of total Iraqi military casualties (including wounded)

What I am saying is we should have finished what we started, the best example is the Vietnam War, we should never commit our soldiers unless we are prepared to finish what we started, Vietnam turned into a political bowl of soup and our soldiers paid the price.

They returned home not as heroes giving all for our country but labeled like the dregs of the earth, spit on in air ports, train stations, buss stations and public areas, and called baby killers and murderers!

They were following orders just like every soldier before them and were treated like crap by the very people they went to defend.

I'm saying our soldiers are not expendable, and we should never involve them in any conflict America is not set in steel to finish what is started, you don't build a building half way, or it is not a building, it is a failed endeavor, you finish it, then you can call it a building.

Not going there would not have solved problems at home, those we had way before any of the wars!

Man would have to care more for others than him or her self, before any of those problems you mentioned will ever get resolved, and today even health care is all about money, real caring doctors are few and far between, it's about the paycheck.


That's all you gleaned from that link?

I find it ironical that they returned home parading victory in the streets, I remember when, and I personally thought it was a farce, when in actuality just like Vietnam the US government, did not finish the job.

My point being these Mr. O sanctioned air strikes of today, are an attempt to put a band aid on a serious wound, and to the presidents credit, he is actually not responsible for opening this wound, but he took on that responsibility when he took office, and he is responsible for his felt need to right a wrong, and pulled out too soon.

I'm pretty sure that was the point I was making when I opened this thread.


I'm sure they are, my point is we pulled back before the job was finished, if not, they wouldn't be in this situation now.

At this point Mr. O has put himself in a quandry, damned if you do, and damned if you don't!

One of his main goals was to undo as much of what the Bush administration had done that he felt was wrong, unfortunately these things that were fully underway at the time were not as easy to undo as he thought, without serious repercussions.

So there it is.

Only the past that Mr. Os administration is directly responsible for will be his claim to fame, I guess he is now discovering being president is not as easy as he thought.

All is not lost, he can do a reverse Reagan, start as president then become and actor, he seems to be pretty good at that!
Ry I mostly disagree with what you say (because I am a Lefty and your often quite conservative) but your last comment here was particularly honest and accurate ... and I agree.

Sadly the US always just judged harshly, held to higher standards which is unfair.

People often comment that their actions have ulterior motives but in this case I think the raction is small, specific and warranted.

I really feel for those people stuck in the middle of this sweeping extremism ... women ... kids.


Yes that's all that I gleaned from that link. I refuse to take seriously anything that just pulls a random number out of thin air without any sort of reasoning or supporting evidence.
The innocent people suffer the most when this happens all the time.That is life.

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