Obama has gone blind.

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Then, vote for the guy!!!!!!!

He certainly has a no worries approach 😉
In a little over a year He'll have the opportunity to show all of his creativity as He steps quietly without a whimper into his next career.

Pop Quiz.

Who said this Suge Knight or Obama?

"If we're asking community colleges to sacrifice, fewer services in their 'hoods, then we can ask millionaires and billionaires to make a little sacrifice."

My comment: He's a shameless punk. No wonder he keeps arranging speeches in front of the non-taxpaying kids.

A nice break from Obama-nation
Look maw, no government controls, mandates, taxes, oversight, rules, regulations, needs, IRS, taxes, bureaucracy,programs,grants, services, oh and did I mention taxes?
I truly believe Obama doesnt believe this is possible, at least until theres a multi-million dollar study to prove it actually happened, all by itself, and only a poor shmuck with a lil chutzpah did it, with no government helps at all
Thats so his friends will get first dibs

ATF allows guns into Mexico to pad stats

For well over a year, the mainstream media has embraced the statistic that between 80-90% of guns in Mexico were sold in America and smuggled across the border, and that number necessitates the need for more restrictions on gun sales. But ATF officials were knowingly allowing firearms sold in the United States to be taken across the border into Mexico to pad these statistics under “Project Gunwalker.”


Now, when the media speaks, as the seeds are planted to them, surely reality must follow, cept they got busted-this time
"We are working closely with our Korean allies and the U.S. Army in exploring alternative options to dispose of these firearms."

From your link, or, in other words, we must pay top dollar to dispose of them
Also from your link:
Asked why the M1s pose a threat, the State Department spokesman referred questions to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. ATF representatives said they would look into the question Monday afternoon, but on Wednesday they referred questions to the Justice Department. DOJ spokesman Dean Boyd referred questions back to the State Department.

Now theres our representitives in action

You mean you're mad as hell and you are not going to take it anymore. The punk is running wild on the street.


Well, arent all liberals alike?
I mean, they all look the same to me

"I don't like this new Obama who hunts Muslim extremists. I like the old Obama who WAS a Muslim extremist." –Stephen Colbert

We all know how Obama loves to be outta Washington, and he looooves Chicago, well....
"President Obama is slated to appear on one of Oprah's last shows. He's hoping it's the one on which she gives away 14 trillion dollars." –Conan O'Brien

[/color] <---- wrong blue

How's your liability insurance ?

Are your hats guaranteed 100% leprosy-free? 😀

As far as the bat-sheet crazy idea of Iranian missiles in Chavez-Land, that's a free ticket for Obama to attack any such site in Venezuela under the Monroe Doctrine (surprising, last invoked by Reagan and his CIA Director, Robert Gates, in some Central America hanky-panky they had going on)

Iran and Venezuela are the butt-buddies of the lunatic fringe in the oil market. El Loco Presidente Chávez does an end run around UN sanctions to supply gas to Ahmadinejad. I doubt even Hugo is crazy enough to accept local missile bases in return.
President Obama could be impeached for violating U.S. Constitution and law by going into Libya without congressional consent. Kucinich said that he doesn't want to impeach Obama because it's a "destabilizing factor" for the country, but he points out that the Constitution is on his side in an impeachment process because he wants to point out how "grave" the matter is.


My comment:

Obama's big selling point in 2008, apart from that flimsy notion of "change," was that he would be the anti-Bush. He would do the exact opposite of everything Bush did, because everthing Bush did was oh-so-wrong. Obama suggested two things: 1. He was so much smarter than Bush that he'd NEVER make the same mistakes, and 2. He'd watched Bush's presidency and actually LEARNED from those mistakes. Enough people bought that particular line of BS that Obama won and the rest is, shall we say, bad history.

With regard to Obama's order for US military intervention in the Libyan "kinetic military action," let's see how much he has learned from Bush's so-called "mistakes" in Iraq:

Bush was attacked for the following:

1. Invoking the doctrine of pre-emptive war, when Saddam Hussein had not directly attacked us.

Obama and Libya: Obama claims we are intervening to prevent a major slaughter...BEFORE it actually happened and while Muammar Qaddafi had not attacked us.

2. That Bush "rushed to war," despite the fact that he had spent months engaged in diplomatic negotiation.

Obama and Libya: Three weeks of hemming and hawing, then wham, bam, thank you, ma'am, we're engaged in a shooting war in Libya.

3. That Bush went ahead in Iraq despite Colin Powell's warning: "you break it, you own it."

Obama and Libya: He broke it, he owns it.

4. That Bush didn't consult enough with Congress, despite months of endless consultations and debates there.

Obama and Libya: Obama not only didn't consult with Congress, he sprung his decision on Congressional leaders before the first military action began. There was no invitation to discussion. Obama told them of his decision, and then invited them to leave. He continues to blow off Congress.

5. That Bush was led around by Dick Cheney.

Obama and Libya: He's being led around by Hillary Clinton.

6. That Bush's military action in Iraq unleashed unforeseen and uncontrollable terrorist forces.

Obama and Libya: Obama's military action has unleashed unforeseen and uncontrollable terrorist forces.

7. That Bush went to war in the wrong place. He should have gone after the big enemy, Iran, instead of Iraq.

Obama and Libya: He went to war in the wrong place. He should be focused on the need for possible intervention in places far more strategically important: Iran, Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, Jordan.

8. That Bush had no exit strategy, despite the fact that announcing one tips the advantage to the enemy.

Obama and Libya: He announced multiple and contradictory exit strategies, including turning the mission over to NATO, no use of ground troops, and being for Qaddafi's exit before he was against it.

9. That Bush opened a big can of worms by cracking open Iraq.

Obama and Libya: Obama's actions have opened an even bigger can of worms across the Middle East: the Muslim Brotherhood is running the show in Egypt and elsewhere, and al Qaeda is poised to gain a new base of operations in Libya.

10. That Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" prematurely.

Obama and Libya: Last night, he declared that the mission was being turned over to NATO forthwith, and the US's main work here is done. Oh, really?

The comparisons are almost....eerie. Especially for a president who is so obsessed with being the anti-Bush that he contorts himself into policy pretzels, has marginalized himself and his presidency, and has severely damaged American power and credibility.

I thought Obama was supposed to be so smart. I thought he was supposed to be so much smarter than Bush. I thought Obama was supposed to have learned from Bush's so-called "mistakes"....the same "mistakes" that he pounded Bush for for nearly eight years.

And yet....Obama seems to be repeating them. That must mean that Bush was right. Or Obama's rubbish elitist foreign policy is wrong.

Normally I would switch the channel as soon as Kucinich's face appears, but considering He lost his mind years ago therapy is working for him and I am glad to see He is doing well.
Like other presidents before him, Obama contends he does not need to comply with the War Powers Act for a limited operation and therefore did not have to get congressional approval within 60 days of sending the U.S. military into Libya.

However, on Saturday -- 61 days after the start of U.S. operations in Libya -- Obama sent a letter to congressional leadership saying that he supports a measure being drafted by a bipartisan group of senators approving of the military effort in Libya.

From your link
This is just sloppy and arrogant, or another "Im cooler than you moment" brought to US by Obama-nation
Why couldnt he have acted sooner? Is he trying to prove something? What a punk
It doesn't take a Ph.D. to realize President Punk can not control the borders of his own nation. How dare the Punk to tell Israel how to manage theirs. President Punk is beneath the American people.
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