Obama Is First US President To Write Computer Code

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So I guess its ok for libbies to have their opinion but not me. Ya I get it . Nope sorry your the whole reason democracy is broken you assume right off I am affiliated with a party. WRONG I am opposed to stupidity tho. Lack of common sense and clear tyranny that are breaking the back of the working class in this country is what I am against. Get your head out of your arse and think for a change rather than blindly following the masses and letting media make up your mind. Gawwd throw out your tv for once will ya.

No he did not "write a couple lines of code". all he did was drag and drop a block that represents a line of code from a code editor.
I bet he just put in and.

Wow now only am i the first black president. I can also code. Take that Republicans.
Oh and now he is the czar of coding all you programmers. You must answer to the boss.
@I'd be truly impressed, however, if Obama would have taken a crack at an assembly language.

I'm truly impressed with your fantasy, Neils!
"He did, however, write a couple lines of Jive-Script – a programming language that's mostly used in Jive talk applications."

There fixed it. (Jive-script is more accurate)
now he will say "hellow word" when going on stage or something 😀

+ im 15 and my biggest regret is i didn't start programming sooner.. im learning OpenGL now (mostly for fun, im not really interested in graphics programming) and have started programming from when i was around 13!

i didnt say that you weren't allowed an opinion, i said that it was stupid. I Don't actually watch TV and i'm not even from your country. The fact that my post was about taking emotion out of politics and being able to recognise good and bad from all political parties is totally against the masses. My point was to make your own opinion based on all the facts, rather than your own emotions, so no i dont blindly believe the opinion of news readers or journalists. You basicly proved my point that you are so closed minded that you read without actually understanding, i mean i didnt say you were with one party or another did i? i also said you could be anti-establishment which you obviously are



Do you even read what you write? Your a contradiction unto yourself. " i mean i didnt say you were with one party or another did i?" " you and a hell of alot people like you are so emotionally involved in one political party" ON top of it you don't even live here in this country and your going to tell me how uninformed I am? What? You don't even have a clue what this imbecilic as done to this country. You shouldn't talk about things you have no idea what its all about to live here and what our society and Constitution is all about. You may like tyranny but here it used to be our whole ideals were against. To see it all taken away from you right before your eyes is really a tragedy not for me either. For my kids and grand-kids. Slaves to the government. Two classes Rich and poor. No more incentive to achieve thats what is really lost in all this. And to go out and pretend your encouraging kids to do better all they while stealing the very freedoms this country was founded on is a very cruel joke. You sir don't know what the hell your talking about!
It's my impression that most people that seem tech inclined and that frequent tech sites are more often than not liberals and very politically correct. I suppose there are various explanations for why this might be true, but it still puzzles me. From all I know about Obama, it's incredible to me that anyone with a standard level of intelligence could support and defend this man, his actions, and the radical leftist machine that used to be the democrat party. And this is for "thelastdonut"...there is a reason the "hate" as you put it. This is a usless article about a sorry president adding another notch on his photo op belt. Obama is a lying pretender that should never have been nominated, let alone elected twice. To most Americans, he is an almost total failure and an embarrassment to this country. If he doesn't go down in the history books as THE worst president ever, it'll be because the socialist/leftist powers that dominate media and education have once again revised the facts to suit their ideology. I'm sure I'm not the only one that's fed up with certain sectors of the media constantly propping him up, especially here. Now, I feel better...and no I'm not a racist.
@BobRoberts, I'm with you 100%. Anyone that would say that they support this pretender of a president is totally clueless. Defending Obama's politics is a sure sign of a closed mind, not the other way around. And to anyone that might berate me for my EXTREME dislike for Obama, if you would take an honest look at him and his character you might see the same thing BobRoberts, myself, and most of the rest of informed American citizens see. His actions and attitude are only part of the problem. The main reason for all of the disrespect stems from his lack of integrity. He has a badly flawed character, he's a liar, an imposter, a hypocrite, I could go on and on. I, along with every one else that I know, don't even respect him as a man...let alone as my president.
I think that the childen should also be encouraged to learn robot programming, not just programming in general.

There are some sites that teach this subject so that even children can follow - for example:
He got credit for some half-assed attempt at Hour of Code, because he mad a half-assed attempt at Hour of Code. The ultimate claim was that he coded, because he really did code for a few minutes! their was nothing out of place with the article, just the attempt to smear without grounds to do so by a Toms Hardware commenter, as per the perennial method of their party. I don't like politicians one bit, but I do give credit where it's do. However, if held at gunpoint, and forced to choose a side, I'd go with democrats. Simply because I'm sick of how republicans miss/deliberately ignore the point, and attack everyone they can't force into their way of thought, rather than contributing to the country, and, worst of all, always see things glass-half-empty...

...Actually, it's really just the last part. They're the negative-minded half of American politics.
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