Socialism dispenses monies evenly for various government controlled privileges, right?
It has equal access.Right?
Its done to basically remove the higher profiteering from the wealthy, to be distributed equally amongst everyone.
The same holds for business activities as well, where monopolies exist, but only for the government, and severe penalties for businesses that hold huge shares of a market.
You can point to Hugo Chavez as th latest, as he would literally be walking down the street and point out a business that was to be socialized.
Picking favorites skirts all this very closely, and allows for cronyism as well, if not done in a broader sense, where a majority from all areas of the country are represented.
Now we all know where Obama has either skirted,acted or desired for much of this.
The problem is, as we see the economy as it is, and Obamas attitudes towards spending, his record of spending, where those monies have gone, and how they were dispensed, you do have a strong argument here that yes, he has strong tendencies towards socialism.
Now, one may move the goalposts and assume these are wise moves, accepting that distributing huge sums to a chosen few, with direct ties to Obama, having created the single largest spending bill since social security or welfare, new tech ventures solving energy problems etc, but remember this, this is all being done with a bad economy, what would it be with a great one?
Certainly those numbers would be escalated by huge amounts, as it is, we cant keep up, what if it weren't so?
This is the strongest argument we have concerning Obama and his socialist tendencies, even if you agree with the philosophy, this is the way it would be, and only strengthens the arguement