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Wow John, have much hate? Does it get tiring defending and justifying someone's actions without really knowing?

Sure, Bush worked from his ranch a lot. Anything outside of DC is considered a vacation day. How much vacations to different places did Bush take compared to Obama? Bush went to his ranch; repeatedly secured, easy to handle, and routine. Obama goes everywhere on the dime of the US tax payer.

As I work under sequestration myself, I see our President taking his family on vacation, spending more money in a couple nights than what we have to cut from our entire budget for a year. If he didn't take that trip.. if only..

Don't know if you realize this, millions of people in this country are hurting. You turn on the TV and you see him golfing, or taking a vacation, or Michelle going out of the country, or the often parties at the White House full of celebrities.

Feel free to be out of touch. Just don't be so arrogant to throw it in the people's face. Honestly, I think Bush was far more in touch than Obama.. in fact, I would go as far as to say Obama has absolutely no concept of what's happening in this country.

His leadership is causing too much negative impact. 7 years ago, doctors didn't have to file bankruptcy for their practice. Today, on average of 8-10 doctors are filing bankruptcy a year in some places. That's very, very significant. His policies are great to talk about.. just like owning a dog. Except when it is put into practice it's the crap covered end of the stick. You don't think of the cost and all the mud, things chrewed up, etc. You envision that perfect little picture... and realize the impacts later when it is too late.

Me personally, I will judge Obama by his complete disregard for Due Process, disdain for the Constitution, promotion of progressive ideology that contradict America's founding principles, poor economic decisions, total lack of leadership, and policies that raise the lowest common denominator above personal achievement and responsibility.

My guess is that's how the long term merits of his presidency will judge him as well...

I did not at any point say he was a savior, I only pointed out how misguided your reasoning was. Last time I saw him on tv he was flying the victims families from sandy hook to washington d.c. to speak to congress about gun laws.

I got an idea, lets just have the first family live in a alleyway in boxes, that should save enough money to pay 1/10000000th of the people who are hurting in the country.

By the way, doctors going out of business now is better than the entire healthcare system cratering in 10 years. The healthcare was on an unsustainable curb and disregarding that is disingenuous. Its called a hard decision, something you continually harp on yet somehow fail to see.


At least you are hypothesizing and reserving complete judgement until you can see the effects of his decisions in the long term. Those passing judgement now are too influenced by the politics and emotion.

Maybe the healthcare bill will crater? I think it will be good long term but i'm not arrogant enough to think i know for sure.

Marv's not a fan of politicians in general haha.
My question is, why go to church if this Mr BO doesnt even believe?
Campaigning there too?
Hes a phony at the very best.

Just how he runs the country, from behind, in the pews, not from the pulpit, unless its traversing in areas that are questionable, like still denying Obamacare isnt a tax but a law.
Thats whats youd call out of touch, and tell me where Im wrong here?

How exactly are the Sandy Hook parents reliable in their information on gun laws? I would suspect the vast majority are all against guns at this point due to their loss.
Did he fly in a bunch of people who were saved by guns defending themselves or others? What about them? Or only the people negatively affected are brought in to influence the decision?

Let's say guns are banned today. 20 years from now is the current president going to fly in relatives of the victims who were killed by firearms to influence removing the gun ban? I mean, they lost relatives because they didn't have the ability to defend themselves against an armed criminal.
What happens when people start demanding they have their guns back to defend themselves?

Let's go extreme: Ban guns.. great. There are only 300 million plus in circulation in the US alone. How does that change anything?
Limit guns.. how exactly will that change things?
Its conceivable that some from Newtown may have taken to the other dorection as well, would he then be parading them around?

On April 27, 1995, at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on "Terrorism in the United States", Feinstien stated that -- in the early 1970s -- she applied for, and received, a license to carry a concealed gun after she and her family were threatened and their house physically attacked by a local terrorist group named the New World Liberation Front.

If any of this legislation had anything to do with stopping what happened in Newtown, its beyond me.
If this legislation limits/prohibits/increases costs/grows government then I guess its alright as it never actually stops what happened there.
Quit acting like nervous nellies, man up, and stop with the foolishness.
Just because its SOMETHING, doesnt mean squat, it doesnt address how to stop what happened, it only pushes the law abiding public around more etc etc ad nauseum.
On this, the left would do good to use their brain and not their heart, but as Mr BO continually keeps dipping into the heartstrings on nthe bleeders, no real legislation can get done.

You can believe without having it dictate your thought process.


With QE3:
The central bank is simply trying to liquify financial markets. This frees up capital otherwise required for reserve, and (let us hope) acts as a slow-motion Volcker Rule that unwinds a high level of the toxicity remaining in mortgage securities.

The QE3 funds will likely never see the light of public circulation, with the bulk working to sanitize bank books from the remainder of those $560 trillion worth of financial weapons of mass destruction, or FWoMD (that were not 'cleansed' in the Maiden Lane Transactions).

Yah, see? Nothing has really changed since August of 2007 (when the financial crisis actually **Hit The Fan**). The Banksters do not trust each other to 'equitably' settle overnight accounts. The 'hot potatoes' of the FWoMD are simply sitting on bank books. This has smacked cash flow, or liquidity. in the financial markets.

The Fed is now taking bundled mortgage securities as collateral on cold, hard cash for the Banksters and, theoretically over time, the Fed will unwind or sanitize the FWoMD before returning them to the Banksters.

Hope this made sense to yah 😀

There are people on entitlement programs that really need it and others are to dam lazy to work.Everything for free I call them parasites!Two years is to much for unemployment benefits. One year is sufficient enough.


Why the hell do people still spread this BS around?

While we are at it...

Is Obama Muslim?

Was Obama born outside of the United States?


My god! I hate it when people do this. All these chats do is make people who think this about him feel better about themselves!

He isn't getting impeached, so just shut up and stop talking sh!t about him!


I feel better now. ^_^


I would love to see a specific policy example or explanation derived from your poultry-fecal matter BS trolling ...


Because it is a legitimate question based on his actions and statements. Socialism in theory is considerably different that what it is in practice. The "No True Scotsman" fallacy is often used in discussions of socialism and communism. Supporters of these ideologies will say that neither has been "properly" implemented according to The Communist Manifesto and other similar works. I believe that's what you are doing here.

However to actually answer the question, Obama's actions of continued, increasing government involvement in the economy cannot be construed as anything but socialist as we see socialism actually play out in the real world. The state takes money from those who earn it through income taxes and give it to those who do not through various entitlement programs. That certainly sounds like "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" as Marx and Engels wrote. The government also does have a pretty big hand in the market as well, owning companies such as GM. The U.S. government may not be "as" socialist as some of the countries you would clearly state as socialist (such as France) but the U.S. certainly has some socialist features and Obama is clearly moving us toward the France end of the socialist spectrum.

While we are at it...

Is Obama Muslim?

No, he sat and listened to Reverend Wright for 20-some-odd years worth of Sundays. Wright was an inflammatory racist, not a Muslim. However he did go to an Islamic madrassa when he was young so this was a legitimate question until we found out where he actually did go to church.

Was Obama born outside of the United States?

No, but he sure took his sweet time to get over his "how dare they question me" arrogance and show his birth certificate. Mind you there are only four things required for you to be President and the birth certificate takes care of half of them. (The other two are officially filing to be on the ballot and then being elected.) Those of us mere mortals have to show our birth certificate plus a whole lot of other things to get a job, and we are certainly not as powerful as the President of the United States of America.

He isn't getting impeached, so just shut up and stop talking sh!t about him!


I feel better now. ^_^

I would certainly submit articles of impeachment of Obama if I were in Congress. The executive branch has been involved in many high-level scandals (the multiple DOJ scandals, the NSA wiretapping scandals, vote-buying for Obamacare, etc. etc.) and being the chief executive, the buck stops with him.

Those were supposed to be sarcastic questions making fun of the "nay-sayers".

BTW, Why would you care that the NSA is putting your calls through filters? I know I don't! They don't care about YOU! They care about Ali who just came from Saudi Arabia and has just withdrawn $5mil from a bank account and purchased something from the Russian military (screwy example, but you get the idea).


I care because my job is subject to a lot of government inspectors and licensing. Therefore a government drone who dislikes that I talk politics with my friends and family might decide to make my life very, very hard.

Cut it out with the youtube videos and the copy pasting.

I havent seen any proof that what obama is doing is any different than what any other president has done. They are all sh*t heads but dropping marxist communists -ists doesnt really show anything.