
Jun 17, 2012
I have a P67A mobo and I am going to buy an i7 3770k with a hyper evo fan, how would I Overclock it to something like 4ghz or 4.2ghz or even 4.4ghz on a P67A mobo? What do I need to change?

First of all the P67 chipset is old and more than likely it won't accept Ivy Bridges out of the box. First you have to make sure the motherboard can accept Ivy Bridges CPU's and if it does you will need a Sandy Bridges processor just to get the computer to boot so you can flash the BIOS to make the Ivy Bridges work. Do you already have this motherboard. If not then I wouldn't spend the money on such an old chipset I would go with Z77.


Jun 17, 2012
I have a p67 mobo with an i5 2400, I updated the BIOS so it supports Ivy Bridge. How would I go about overclocking the 3770k on this to 4.2ghz or 4.4ghz with a hyper evo cooler?
You would do it like you would any motherboard wheather it's AMD or Intel. You have to go into the BIOS and adjust the settings then stress test it with Prime 95. Once you hit a wall and it won't go any furter stress test it with Prime 95 for atleast a full 24 hours.
If you've never oerclocked before than I would do some reading. I would raise the frequecy first and try to get that as high as possible before raising the voltages. Really I wouldn't mess with the voltages at all unless you really have to. If you set the voltages are to high you could fry the CPU and there is nothing you can do at that point. You should be able to between 4.3 and 4.5 without raising the voltages. The most important thing is to get a good cooler and always monitor your temps while overclocking.


Jun 17, 2012
Yeah I tried reading a bit, i know that you only have to bump the voltage if its not stable at something like 4.3ghz or so and I know you need to raise it very very lightly. I am getting a Hyper 212 Evo cooler

Yea you don't want to mess with voltages if you don't have to and if you do you want to raise it a little at a time. A Hyper 212 Evo will be fine for cooling that CPU overclocked.


Jun 17, 2012
Okay thanks, I know these two arent comparable but I was thinking of just getting an extra 1TB HDD. It would be used MAINLY to store my steam games after I beat them or no longer play them and rarely record gameplay with Fraps. However, the core i7, would it help with livestreaming, hosting an MC server, and adobe premiere pro?
Well are you going to be running all those things at the same time The problem is that the I7 is a great CPU however hyperthreading can cause a 2% penalty in performance. You can turn off hyperthreading but then you are pretty much left with an I5. So you have a choice if you are running all that stuff at the same time hyperthreading will help but may effect game play. If you disable hyperthreading that will help game play but may effect the performance of the other stuff. If you were going to do that and disable hyperthreading I would just go with the I5 there is no point in spending another 100 dollars if you are just going to disable the important features of the I7. I think the I5 should be able to handle all that and that's what I would go with.