OC P4 630 equiv to 3200+


Oct 20, 2002
OK, i want to OC a P4 630 (3GHz) to match a AMD64 3200+ 939 Venice CPU in gaming.

Q1: how high to OC the 630?

Q2: how high to OC to match 3500+ Venice?

I would buy a AMD in the first place if I could get a new M/B with a AGP slot. The only ones around seem to have the lousy VIA Chipset with all there known problems, ie, frequent self reboots, etc.

The 630 can almost always handle 3,6GHz without any voltage increase. On aircooling you will get stuck after 3,6GHz depending on high air flow you have in you computer... With 3,6Ghz you have already blown past the 3200+ and going ahead with the 3500+. I assume as you said 630, then you have the Prescott. They get very hot when you go past the last one in the series wich is the 670 (3,8GHz).
OK, i want to OC a P4 630 (3GHz) to match a AMD64 3200+ 939 Venice CPU in gaming.

Q1: how high to OC the 630?

Q2: how high to OC to match 3500+ Venice?

I would buy a AMD in the first place if I could get a new M/B with a AGP slot. The only ones around seem to have the lousy VIA Chipset with all there known problems, ie, frequent self reboots, etc.


Just crank it as high as you can(stably), and don't worry which AMD CPU

it compares to. I'm sure it will satisfy you once overclocked. GL :)