csflame, I too have a q9450 on an asus mobo. I run 8 gigs of corsair dom ram at 1066.
I use a thermaltake 760i bigwater and with prime95 running for over 5+ hours. I get about 55c max temp.
I too have been trying to get past the 3.2ghz barrier. This is what i have done.
I left everything on auto, set the fsb to 400 and ran prime95 for 4 hours. Perfect.
Then, I kept bumping down the voltage until cores started to fail, then i scaled back up until i got no errors. I currently rest at 1.25 volts on the Vcore right now.
However, my NBvoltage (northbridge) needed to be upped from stock/auto for my OC to remain stable. My 3.2 overclock is stable at 1.44 volts on the NB (I'm currently trying to lower it with some testing.)
With your ram, auto normally does the trick, but sometimes you have to manually set your ram voltage to ensure it's getting the right amount.
Try this.........
Unlink your FSB and ram and in your settings, run a 400fsb and stock ram or 1066 in your case.
Leave your ram unlinked until your overclock is stable for 4 hours. (with prime95)
Next, try 1800fsb setting (it's 3.6ghz), and up the voltage to the max rated of 1.36 only to test for a post, then go back into the bios and lower it one voltage setting at a time until it doesnt post. (to save time, it would help if your save an oc profile in your asus bios)
Once it doesnt post, reset your bios and go up 2 voltage settings above your last post to ensure enough voltage is there when put under a load.
Run prime95. If your get cores failing, up your NB voltage from 1.44 (or whatever you have it at) .2 at a time until prime 95 passes 4 hours.
If you reach 1.54 volts on your NB and you still get errors, de-clock it back to 1600fsb setting (400fsb actual) whatever stable voltage it ran at with 3.2ghz OC and do the same with your NB voltage.
At that point, either you just got bad luck and didn't get a great OCing cpu, or your bios/mobo is limiting you. Believe me, I'm still working on a stable 3.6ghz OC myself with a similar setup, and despite booting and playing games good, prime95 still fails in under 2 hours time. I'm still working at it!!!
I hope in some small way this information helps you. Remember 2 things, anything beyond 1.54 volts on your NB voltage is asking for it to fry, and same with 1.36 volts on your cpu. Unless you want to fry your system, or make it last only a year, don't go over those voltages regardless of cooling.
I'll keep you posted on my status for my attempted 3.6 overclock considering we run almost the same rig.
lastly, as for your ram, less latency is better for games than higher throughput (raw clockspeed) get your cpu to a stable OC first, then try lowering your ram timings to say..... 4-4-4-15, or 5-5-5-15 and be happy with that. I run x4 2 gig corsair domi ram myself and i have heard that anything beyond 1200mhz just takes too much voltage, and you have to losen your timings way too much to keep it stable. Just not worth it.
Have a good day man! Let me know how it works out for ya!