You could try to set your FSB a little higher than the standard 133 MHz. What actually happens is that the multiplier stays at 10.5x (for the 1600+) so the athlon will boot up, but you increase the fsb speed which the factor is multiplied with to generate the cpu operating speed.
At 140fsb, your cpu will run at 10.5 x 140 = 1470MHz. It will probably boot up as a 1700+ then.
But beware! Your memory, AGP, PCI and all other components will run at higher speeds as well. This can cause instability of your system and even damage it!
You'll probably need to relax settings such as AGP and PCI wait states and some memory timings.
Also make absolutely sure that important data is backed up and that you have sufficient cooling in your system. Case coolers are also most defenitely needed!